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My-end Pc is having some big problems

Level 7
Hi everyone, I have had my new custom built PC for less than a month and I am experiencing some unacceptable problems. Every time I play a game I am getting a very large amount of stuttering, even on low settings. The funny part is my gpu is an asus 780ti. This problem occurs on games such as Titanfall, Battlefied 4, Assassin's Creed 4, Splinter Cell Blacklist and Dead Space 3. The majority of my PC is asus products, so I would like to know if anyone has any advice.

My New Computer
MOBO: Asus Rampage IV Black Edition
CPU: I7 4930k 3.4hz base clock
RAM: 16 gigs corsair vengance pro 1866hz
Monitor: Asus VG248QE 1080p resolution 144hz
OS: windows 8.1 64 bit

My old PC (Prebuilt by asus, 2013 TYTAN G30 ab)
GPU: 660 water cooled
MOBO: z87 pro (dont know exact name)
CPU: I7 4770k 3.5 base clock
Ram: 16 gigs of no name ram, 1600hz
Monitor: Same as above
OS: Same as above

It is pretty high end so I am wondering why I am getting this constant stuttering. By the way I have the latest graphics driver 344.11 and every other driver up to date as well.

Note: My old pc could run all these games perfectly smoothly without any problems on the same connection and driver.

Thanks for any help given.

P.S excuse the thread typo High-end, sorry.

Level 12
I have had the same problem for a long while and i solved my problem with a lot of help from some people on this site due to a lot of trial and error. This sort of problem could be a number of things but having said that, my issue was with games i downloaded of the net via steam, ubisoft, origin. Yourproblem could come from a different area. There was absolutely no problem with my hardware. Its a case of narrowing it down. Me personally,i dont use steam or any third party to download my games anymore as if i cant run it and install it off a disc i wont play it on pc. But i do prefer pc and would love to be able to play without the stuttering. I tried re downloading Black Flag via ubisoft and all i got was stutter. Now all my games run without stutter and i never have a problem. Asus make some great products and in my case my motherboard, graphics card, power supply and the rest of my gear was running absolutely without a hitch.

Level 14
go back 2 drivers and try that.
and bf4 is stil buggy, new patch comming end of month devs said.

Level 8
Do you have a video of video stuttering? If yes, may I see it please?
Hi, I have now retired from ASUS support, please refer problems to current @ASUS/cl- usernames.

If I record it, there will be more lag than actually present when I am gaming.

cl-mark@asus wrote:
Do you have a video of video stuttering? If yes, may I see it please?

Welcome to ROG forum cl-mark ... good to see you here .. .c.

chrsplmr wrote:
Welcome to ROG forum cl-mark ... good to see you here .. .c.

Haha, thank you for the welcome!

ROGamer1234, I am not sure what you mean. With the hardware you have installed, you should be able to record a video no problem. What are you using to record video? Try FRAPS, and it should record as usual. Did you make sure to turn VSYNC on? When doing this, make sure to turn your refresh rate to its highest level, and this should resolve the issue.
Hi, I have now retired from ASUS support, please refer problems to current @ASUS/cl- usernames.

I will am going to use shadowplay because that is the only recording software I have. Thanks again for all the help provided now and to come.

Level 8
Okay, please keep us up to date.
Hi, I have now retired from ASUS support, please refer problems to current @ASUS/cl- usernames.

I edited my original post (if you did not see). I found that after some playing around that when I was gaming my of my 12 virtual cpu cores, only one of them was running at 3.4 ghz. In my bios I have all core clocks set to auto. Could this be the reason why it is stuttering on my games.