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help with my gaming rig

Level 7
hi everyone, i posted a question about audio on anther thread, I have a new question I just built my first real gaming rig. After all the reading on forms and talking with others i went with a 6700k , rog max vii hero board, 32 gigs of g skill rip jaw 4 3000 ram, and two msi gaming 980 ti cards, this is mostly for gaming on a asus rog swift 1440 p monitor, some people are telling to return the board
and cpu and go with 5960x or 5930k, is it better for gaming or am i better with what i have my cpu is running great at 4.6 gig 1.392
vcore and realbench stress test not going over 63c thank you for any advise.

Level 40
Simply bad advice...No need for X99 for gaming...what you have is killer for any game you care to throw at it and will be for quite some time to come! enjoy it! 😄

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Simply bad advice...No need for X99 for gaming...what you have is killer for any game you care to throw at it and will be for quite some time to come! enjoy it! 😄

thank you for help @Arne Saknussemm

Level 40
There are very few games that use more than 4 threads and with DX12 coming those cores will be used more difference between 4 and 6 or 8 cores showing. DX11 difference between 4 and 6 or 8 cores is very slight. With the OC you have working makes any difference meaningless...

X99 is useful if you want to run 3 or 4 GPUs but since this is basically a waste of time gaming...2 card SLI is the sweet spot and you get that with Z170 perfectly.

Level 7
If there was any advice that I would have given is that you could have gone with the 6600k rather than a 6700k since gaming doesn't require HT and can sometimes even make it worse.

Infact everything else is very much overkill haha. Enjoy playing every game for the next 2 years on extreme.