Apparently I am the only one done with this franchise?
EA ruined this game for me and I will not be buying BF4.
I fell in love with BF2. I seriously thought that was the most innovative "real life" shooter ever released.
Join a squad, spawn on your squad and automatically be in a chat channel with everyone on your squad?
That single feature alone to me was the coolest team building idea I had ever seen.
Blew. Me. Away.
Left PC gaming for a bit after that. Got BF:BC2 on PS3. Same feature there. Loved it.
Jumped back to PC gaming with my G53 purchase. BF3 was a part of the reason (but no not the only).
And what did we get? BF2 - the defining feature that made it so groundbreaking + Facebook-style social media + a server browser... in a browser. The Facebookification of BF is what I call it.
LOST what truly defined BF2. It amazes me EA could drop a feature (only on PC, mind you... it still works in Xbox/PS3) that was SO incredibly ground breaking. That they "invented". That really was GROUND BREAKING....
Now I do play the hell out of BF3. I do like the game. But something is missing. Nothing drives me more crazy then when someone stabs me in the back and I have to watch helplessly while he walks up to the squad mate I was following and stabs him in the back, too. Me unable to warn him.
I will not reward this company with my money again. I like to speak with my dollars.
And what is the #1 reason they Facebooked BF? Origin. To get you into Origin so they could compete withValve and Steam.
Asus Z170X + Asus GeFroce GTX Turbo 1070 +... all kinds of Asus goodies. #Fanboi