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Extemporise of the Tomb Raider

Level 40
I mean what is going on?!

I can't believe people are still pre-ordering games and/or paying full price for them when they launch as BETAs

DX12 patch....but no SLI, VXAO but only DX11 not DX12, the Nvidia Drivers released over the last couple of weeks are system crippling Nvidia JihadForce Experience

and it's not just this game

I have Fallout 4, ROTTR, Far Cry Primal all on my wish list but I'm not going to buy any of them until they seriously sort them out...the most basic thing being SLI fully working at launch!

I will not pay full price for any of them!

If you pre-order games you better hope you don't meet me in a dark alley:mad:



Level 7
Yep..i liked that game. I only played last 30 mins with the dx12 patch, not really sure it made any difference. Perhaps a bit. I will personally probably stay with only 1 card because it seems sometimes with sli there are no profiles etc. I was thinking of pre-ordering dishonered 2 from g2a but then i though i have too many games i haven't yet completed anyways so...i didn't.