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Diablo III Graphics Problems

Level 11
I am only new to this forum and have searched but cannot find any info, so here goes.

As you can see by my rig below, I should have no problems with the majority of games around; however, when playing Diablo III in multiplayer mode (especially if there is a wizard in the group) the FPS drops from a comfortable 120 to 2 on occasions.
I lodged a ticket with Blizzard, and there response was to lower the settings.

Did I just get a tech with No Idea, and has anyone else struck this problem??

Level 11
Can´t say for sure, but could it be a hack?! In COD hackers would sometimes cause major lag, gave them advantage.
You seem to have very decent hardware.
How about antivirus program, which one are you using?
Try a ping-test, there should be numerous sites out there that´ll time your connection for you.

TenBlade wrote:

How about antivirus program, which one are you using?
Try a ping-test, there should be numerous sites out there that´ll time your connection for you.

Latency does not seem to be a problem, but my standard ping is affected by by Anti Virus. I use Trend Titanium Internet Security.
I find that a ping that would take 60ms without AV takes 90 with it.

Any pointers on that??

have you tried port forwarding? Best to make sure the ports that are used by Diablo are give exceptions in the firewall and/or your router/modem

alkemist wrote:
have you tried port forwarding? Best to make sure the ports that are used by Diablo are give exceptions in the firewall and/or your router/modem

Port forwarding, I have no idea how to do that.

Level 14 ,ping and speed test to closest node or the node of your choice.

Thanks guys, but latency is not the issue. They have a little green latency bar and it does not move during the battle.
I have the FPS displaying and that is what drops majorly. Some were discussing indexing of HDDs and SSDs, and others the Vertical Sync. Apparently the new patches from Nvidia might have something to do with it.

Level 11
Yes, Nvidia driver update, yea, not always what you expected.
A program called Nvidia Inspector holds a lot of optimal profiles for numerous games, I´d expect Diabolo to be among them. It´ll also let you overclock your gpu easily. See if that particular game profile changes anything. Using it myself for flightsimming etc.

I will let you know if I find any info. Thanks for the tip.

Are you running lucid logix virtu MPV? I have had some incompatibility issues.... mainly with 3dmark and unigine heaven but it's a thought. If you are then disable and see if it helps?!?!