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Forum Posts

Assassins creed 3 sound issue

For any of those playing AC3, and having no character voices coming up, try switching from 5.1 audio setup to a different sound configuration, it worked for me!

ONE Absolutely FREE dl'able copy of BATTLEFIELD 3 up for GRABS! :D

Hey RoG,upon recent investment in an Asus R4F bf3, i received a free copy of BF3 which i don't need because i already have an account you see. So far I have been thrilled with Asus as my first ROG purchase. The build quality is superb (the online pic...

Daveo by Level 11
  • 49 replies
  • 5 kudos

Left 4 Dead

I'm new to the whole PC gaming thing... I usually do console gaming but I got the G74SX-NH71 series when it was the newest model at the time and I originally wanted it just for it's impressive performance. But now I kind of want to utilize what it wa...

Planetside 2 Beta Keys

For some reason my email is connected to 2 planetside accounts due to some random bug in their system. So I get 2 emails with different beta keys. Just PM me those who want one. I got 11 at the moment I have no other idea what to do with them, none o...

Krindor by Level 11
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Crosshair V Formula No post issues

hi,I had bought a CHV motherboard this Feb. The manufacturing date is Nov'11. The BIOS version is 0404(Found next to the ATX power connector. I'm installing FX 8150 i tried to power it up but it does not go to BIOS :mad:. It flashed the CPU/Dram/Vga ...

Crosshair V Formula "SUGESTION"

hello guys, I'm putting together a new computer and wanted to get your opinion about the rest of the stuff I buy, already bought Asus Crosshair V Formula, and now I'm thinking about buying an AMD FX-8320 and one ram's CORSAIR VENGEANCE RED 2133MHz an...

Sonecas by Level 7
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GSC closes, no STALKER 2 VERY SAD. :(:( I loved STALKER.RIP another excellent PC developer. Hope those 50 talented employees find work and take the code with them.Let us know if you see any updates to ...

X-ROG by Level 15
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HYPERX gadgets from Kingston

I like the HyperX lineup of products because they are EXTREME I like to Play mostly Action and Racing Games.. Battlefield 3 is n the top of my list followed by Ghost Recon Future Soldier and Modern warfare 3 also among racing The RUN is at the top f...

using 3 monitors

Can anyone explain how to setup a 3 monitor gaming center, and will they work on every pc game or just certain ones. I have been getting mixed stories, some say that you can only do this with special software and on supported games while others say j...

Problems with Wow

I have been running World of Warcraft for several years with no problems. A couple of days ago I tried logging on and it came to a blue screen that said critical error. I looked and my Nvidia 8800 GT ( I know I am behind ) had a driver update availab...