First timer on the forum, and first timer owning a Asus ROG product. (Always thought they was OP, but the sound card is worth the money)
Long story short, Ima complete noob, however appreciate good sound quality, never used onboard sound, before my Phoebus I was using the Xonar DGX, and was pleased with the surround sound it offered, not great but pleased.
I play alot of BF4, and on the occasion CSGO, What settings would I need for a good surround sound setup, And I have a pair of Sennheiser HD598's coming to me on monday, at the momeny I am using QPAD QH85.
I would prefer the sound to be all round, with the footsteps and guns abit louder or more distinct then the rest, or whatever you guys feel is best to have during BF4, and also WHAT DO YOU HAVE INGAME audio settings for BF