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Addicted to Hardware more than gaming?

Level 7
Whats up y'all. Just curious if anybody here gets overwhelmed with the hardware bug only to leave out games as a secondary thought..

You know how it is. We go back and forth from our BIOSes, tweak our GPU's then benchmark the **** out of our systems only to play a game like Crysis 3 for 15mins, pat ourselves on our backs and then rinse and repeat the whole process all over again lol.

I know I'm guilty of that and sometimes I just got to tell myself " Dude, just play the ****ing game already! It looks 2x as good as what the Xone or PS4 will ever be able to pull off!"

What do you guys think? Any thoughts?
156 REPLIES 156

Level 7
I'm glad I found this thread and others who have the same addiction.

The majority of times I go to LAN parties or meet up with buddies to "play games" I spend the majority of the time tinkering with their computers because I'm appalled by how much better their computers should be running with the hardware they have. When any new piece of hardware arrives, no matter what else needs to be done (especially if it is very important), installing and configuring the new part is all that matters.

Level 15
Umm, I think I may have a problem. Saw a post in a Forum that some guy was giving away a bunch of hardware for free. I met him at his house that weekend and this is pretty much the majority of what I brought home with me

Heh and right now, i'm putting together a Retro Gaming build :cool:

Level 7
I have the same problem like everyone else. Upgraded my old logitech keyboard to the new G19s, bought the G750 laptop and now bought more memory for that today lol. I always promise myself I would upgrade the desktop at least once a year whether it be hardware side or liquid cooling side and boy do I pay. This is a hobby to all of us, an expensive hobby but a hobby none of the less.
Intel I7 950, MSI Radeon 290x, Corsair Dominator GT 12GB 2000mhz, 256GB Samsung pro, 2TB WD Black, Danger Den Custom Case, Liquid Cooled

Level 8
Where is the next meeting?
I'm powerless over hardware and my life is unmanageable, just killed my RIVE board. But not to fear I had a P9X79 with bent CPU pins, worked the pins back
put in my hardware from my RIVE build and BOOM I'm back up n running.......... Can I get an Amen!!

A moment of silence for the addicts that will not find this place :rolleyes:

Level 7
I am the same way.. just ordered two titan x, with ek blocks.. I have an entire spare rig.. formula vi, 4770k, 4790k, 2x780ti sitting next to me. I bought 6 4790k cpus since release chasing a golden chip.

I buy every new game.. play it for a couple hours at most.. every now and then I'll get into a game and play for 20-30 hours.. last was shadow of mordor.

When I first started, obviously my first rig was air.. I jumped right into phase change a couple months later. Then to water as I got sick of burning mobos and chips every few months. I'm planning on going back to sub cooling when I have time later in life.

Level 14
Ha, and I recently consolidated about a dozen computers down to a single megabeast computer. (And, uh, also an old uber Pentium 4 which I keep for interfacing to all my device programmers and stuff. And a laptop for casual use.)

So much more office/shop/lab/bench man-cave work space cleared out! It actually pleases me almost as much as it pleases my female.

Alas, I keep on staring dreamily at all those Xeon towers. A dozen GPU slots, 64 cores, TeraBytes of memory, drool.
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others." - Douglas Adams


I feel less lonely now I see this thread! :cool: