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Yaaaay! Finally a new official Win8 Phoebus Driver from ASUS :)

Level 7

Level 7
I have alot of games installed on steam is all. (about 30+) It isn't them coursing the problem. The Phoebus was not working right when you changed things from day 1. Anytime you clicked on sound modes like music,fps etc, it would crash.... but now that I have it working stable, I dont mess with it. The only trouble is, when I found I couldn't reinstall driver updates. It's kind of a shame because the sound it gives is quite nice (its a huge improvment over the maximus formula, but thats expected.....

I am gonna try an boot in safe mode an see if it works.

Level 13
I think you've got something messed up on that system, which is why you cannot uninstall. The only reason any of us are providing advice is because you've indicated a desire to update. Nobody else has the issue of BSOD during uninstall I know of.

An easier debug would be to use a spare HDD to perform an OS install on and then see how the card works. if it still crashes something deeper is amiss - either some kind of weird system instability or a deeper hardware issue. Either way, this is not common. Without performing this debug, there is no chance that someone will ever know what to patch. Nobody else is reporting the same issue. What makes things even harder is when people come in here and say they have an issue, but provide very little detail on their system and think that everyone else must have the same issue simply because the soundcard has some known bugs.

In order for anything to be patched, it HAS to be recreated. If other systems dont have the issue, this makes things monumentally difficult unless some very comprehensive info is provided and all possibilities of OS related configuration issues, or driver conflicts are eliminated. It's like finding a needle in a haystack otherwise.

Level 7
Well the safe mode idea worked beautifully, upgraded an even flashed the bios without a hitch... thank Christ for that, its nice that something works for a change.

I have provided alots of detail mate, an the problems I have been having with the Phoebus alot of people have on your forum posted about it. But that's not really the issue, I was not just "complaining" I was simply frustrated at 2 months of banging my head on wall trying to make the sound card work properly.... It seem to be working now so that's fine. I spent a great deal of money on RoC/Asus gear, I think I can be excused for getting a little frustrated at so many troubles. Other people have indeed been having same issues. I wasn't having a BSOD by the way, it was just a total freeze of everything, then when I cold started, it had corrupted all sound drivers, an I had to do a system restore to fix it.... But for some reason that I don't understand tonight, I did a safe mode, boot an uninstalled them reinstalled, which worked beautifully

Level 13
I must have missed those posts then - my bad. Can you link me to these posts where other people have a freeze when they uninstall the driver please? Are you overclocked in any way?

Level 13
Looking back at your post history Tassy, it appears this was the "move" that screwed up your uninstallation process:

Sounds like the OS is to blame for this issue, you probably have a driver update there that is either corrupt or you clicking "update" did something it should not have done. That's not really the card's fault in my opinion.

I have nothing against folks moaning, BUT there are times when the issue is not the hardware but rather a mistake that has caused a conflict. In such cases, it's not a bad idea to correct any possible misinformation.


Having to use system restore will not screw up your sound card though, (or at least it shouldn't). As for that person you quoted well... he didn't seem to understand the issue, so I left him to it. It is possible Windows8 is at fault (wouldn't be the first time). But I am a commercial Trawler fisherman, not a PC tech so my knowledge is limited.
But Now it is working so I don't mind. Nothing personal against your people mate, but the phoebus is sposed to be a high end card (at 300$) it certainly is priced as one, an yet A LOT of people are having issues with it.

I understand that drivers an bugs take a lot of time to iron out an you have to duplicate a lot of them to find whats wrong.But it really i s a messy card overall.

Tassy wrote:
Having to use system restore will not screw up your sound card though, (or at least it shouldn't). As for that person you quoted well... he didn't seem to understand the issue, so I left him to it. It is possible Windows8 is at fault (wouldn't be the first time). But I am a commercial Trawler fisherman, not a PC tech so my knowledge is limited.
But Now it is working so I don't mind. Nothing personal against your people mate, but the phoebus is sposed to be a high end card (at 300$) it certainly is priced as one, an yet A LOT of people are having issues with it.

I understand that drivers an bugs take a lot of time to iron out an you have to duplicate a lot of them to find whats wrong.But it really i s a messy card overall.

I agree with the bug part, but the info about the driver screw up being down to the drivers and the fact that you said a lot of people had the same freezing issue upon uninstalling needed clarification. As you have not sent me any posts from others showing that to be the case, we can consider this one closed 🙂

I hope we get the option to record, "What You Hear" really miss this option.

Level 15
I was excited when seeing there was a new driver, uninstalled, rebooted and installed the new drivers, thinking by some chance they may force the firmware update to dice, so I uninstalled and rebooted again. Downloaded 3.08 and reinstalled....install ran, without needing to reboot for the firmware i'm still stuck on 1014. I might have to give Safe Mode install a go and see if there is any change, if not, eh I dunno what else to do. If the update to 1015 Firmware is no big deal, then I won't bother, otherwise i'll ship off another email to support to let them know.

Level 13
HQ told me again this morning the FW update is a complete red-herring. So, stay on 1014 - 1015 is the same thing.