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Windows 10 Driver ?

Level 10
Will we be getting a driver for the official Windows 10 release ?

299 REPLIES 299

Level 7
What a shame. "VIA" already have WIN 10 drivers for their cheap integrated chips...

Yeah but the via crap isn't c-media, but i agrre with you, the driver could already be out.

DaDevilfreak wrote:
Yeah but the via crap isn't c-media, but i agrre with you, the driver could already be out.

I agree that a big part of the problem is c-media and not completely Asus fault, but what I don't like is that they still advertise on the cards page features that aren't there anymore or that don't work. At least DTS was never actual said to be in the card but still, it was there once, and EAX simulation is kinda useless now days but then don't say it's there if you remove it in new drivers. And get the Dolby to work. The hardware is good and the slow driver release is pretty much c-media but still there are other software issues that Asus should have worked out.

Makes me slow to consider their newer cards, and at one time the DX soundcards were said to have great drivers. Now sound blaster seems to have better ones, and that's how you really know you have a problem. Oh well.

Level 7
I have waiting so Long for a new Driver. I bought me now a new Kawasaki ZXR or something else:) And some Beyerdynamic DT 990 Edition. Its a great Combination.but when i drive 200km/h i always lost my Headphones 😄
For now im Happy:-P

Level 7
Another response from Caroline is that the october driver will be a beta one, a whql will take even longer. In terms of software support this is a joke...
| Sabertooth p67 rev b | i7 2600k @4,8GHz | 2x8GB 2133MHz Corsair | MSI GamingX GTX 1080@2125MHz | 256GB Samsung 840Pro | MX300 1TB | 2x 120GB Intel 510 | Xonar Phoebus | Zalman ZM-850HP | Logitech G810 & SS Rival 500 | Acer Z35 |

Tellus wrote:
Another response from Caroline is that the october driver will be a beta one, a whql will take even longer. In terms of software support this is a joke...

Yeah Asus have become a complete joke.

I'm going to just sell my Phoebus and go with an AMP/DAC combo so I don't have to rely on drivers from a company who doesn't support it's customers.

Never buying another Asus branded product ever again, I suspect quite a few people are also put off by this incredibly sub par support.

Level 7
Dicehunter wrote:
Yeah Asus have become a complete joke.

I'm going to just sell my Phoebus and go with an AMP/DAC combo so I don't have to rely on drivers from a company who doesn't support it's customers.

Never buying another Asus branded product ever again, I suspect quite a few people are also put off by this incredibly sub par support.

This card cost me 400 dollars like a year ago, I need this driver, I have issues in audio, I don't want to have a 400 dollars sound card in my PC that is like a waffle.

kanedauy wrote:
This card cost me 400 dollars like a year ago, I need this driver, I have issues in audio, I don't want to have a 400 dollars sound card in my PC that is like a waffle.

Holy crap)I bought this card 1,5 years ago for 200 dollars)

Level 7
Haha, that's funny, because I bought this piece of hardware for 160$. Full version, not Solo. 😄
P.S. Still waiting for multichannel missmatch fix...

Level 10
SoundMan wrote:
This card is not worth $400. Where on Earth you get it from? Amazon? Because that's the only place I'm seeing the insane prices. $200 is what I had to go through with this, which ironically was through Amazon themselves and that was 2 years ago.

You may have been ripped off by a seller, for twice the amount it retailed for.

If you live in Australia the card was $400 at launch, Australia is a VERY expensive country.