Hi there
I seem to have found a bug with World of Warcraft and the SPDIF output on the Phoebus.
When I join a 5 man Cataclysm dungeon the sound coming from the SPDIF is crackling, sometimes so bad that all sound but the crakling disappears and it sounds like a mess. Other ingame events could be triggering this aswell, but I've discovered it happens every single time when I join a dungeon. If I use the analog headphone output on the soundcard there are no problems, but I can see on my external DAC that the samle rate input led is flickering and a crackling noise is sent to my desktop speakers when the headphone output is enabled in the control panel. When I leave a dungeon the noise may still be there, but it vanishes when I quit the game. It happens with both the 32 and 64bit executable.
I've tried to see if I could trigger this with other games, but without luck so far (Dirt 3, Assassin's Creed Revelations and Portal 2). Gx is disabled in the control panel and sample rate is set to 48Khz 24 bit. I've tested it with other settings aswell, but with the same result and no changes to the ingame sound settings made a difference either.
I've tested this with 2 external DAC's to rule out faulty equipment.
Audio Card Model Name XONAR Phoebus
Audio Card S/N N/A
Motherboard / System MSI Z68A-GD80(G3)
Motherboard BIOS version I.80
O.S. Information Win7 Home Premium x64 fresh install
VGA BIOS version
VGA Driver version 301.42 (Nvidia)
CPU overlocking (Yes/No) Yes
GPU overlocking (Yes/No) No
OS audio setting (Sample Rates) Sample Rate 48kHz, Speaker 2.0
Output Device Connected (Include brand/model name) SPDIF to Cambridge Audio DACmagic
Content Used (Game/Music/Movie) World of Warcraft Cataclysm
In-Game audio setting Hardware disabled, High quality, 64 audio channels
Reproducible scenario (Certain in-game chapter) Join a 5 man Cataclysm dungeon
Other Apps opened Steam
It seems like a driver bug to me. Any thoughts on this?