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Phoebus pops while in windows, followed by channels getting mixed up?

Level 7
I've been having a problem with my phoebus card (this happened in windows 7 and now 10). What will happen is the sound card will pop and then the sound channels will get mixed up (center plays from right, left plays in center, etc.). The only way to fix it is to set another playback device as the default device in the speaker settings of windows, and then setting it back to my logitech surround sound speakers (logitech z906).

This will work for sometimes an hour, other times only for a few minutes. It's really frustrating. Any advice? I've tried reinstalling/uninstalling drivers in the past with no difference.

Level 7
cstrasz wrote:
I've been having a problem with my phoebus card (this happened in windows 7 and now 10). What will happen is the sound card will pop and then the sound channels will get mixed up (center plays from right, left plays in center, etc.). The only way to fix it is to set another playback device as the default device in the speaker settings of windows, and then setting it back to my logitech surround sound speakers (logitech z906).

This will work for sometimes an hour, other times only for a few minutes. It's really frustrating. Any advice? I've tried reinstalling/uninstalling drivers in the past with no difference.

its a known problem, maybe i got a workaorund about that.
- go to playback device
- klik your speaker
- configure
- audio chanel set to 7.1, next
- unclick the side pair, next
- click frond left right, and surroud speaker, next, finish

i hope that help u

there's a video about it
jump to 2.03, do excactly like he do

Level 13
Are you guys already using the newest software version (4.26)?

If you haven't updated to the latest beta driver, you can download it at the link below:

If you guys are already using newest beta driver, please provide me with your full system specs and the Windows 10 version you are using and I will pass all the information over to our software dev team to further look into the issue.


Level 7
WOW! A living administrator! I haven't seen those for ages. 😄
The problem with channel mismatch exists since the release of the soundcard and there is no way to fix it without driver updates.
You can format your hard disk and install Windows again, deactivate "Onboard Audio" in BIOS, do a barrel roll - it doesn't help at all!
No matter which OS you choose, the problem will be still there. (Tested on Windows 7, 8.1, 10) The funny thing is, that even my Mainboard is from Asus and was released in the same time, just check my profile.
Your Support ignores us all the time, and that's not funny at all. I know, that the problem can be fixed - because you already made a "Multichannel Fix" for Xonar D2X. So what's the problem with Phoebus?

PLX fireware update Ver 1.0
1.Fix channel swap and noise/latency during 192kHz 5.1/7.1 playback when used with certain motherboards

It's a shame to release three new soundcards before the old one is working properly, without issues. And I even don't speak about less important issues, like bad ASIO support or EAX in certain games. (Best example: Bioshock - EAX is not usable in this game, because of cracking noise)
I really hope, that something will change soon.... Bahz, you're our last hope, since Raja is fired or dead... I don't know. :confused:

Level 8
Did hell just freeze over? Quick question(s) to the admin, what's the deal with the UI swaps? I mean there's the classic UI, then sonic studio, then the classic UI again in the win10 betas. Do you guys plan to settle on something at some point?

And since you're here, there are a few feature requests:

- The surround simulation: xear surround sucks quality wise, but manages to fool windows panel into thinking there is actually a 7.1 system plugged in which also forces many games to use real 5.1/7.1 output. In sonic studio, the surround simulation sounds great, but it's just a stereo expand, games output in pure stereo which makes it kind of pointless. Get rid of xear and please make the sonic studio work as it should.
- If asus decides to keep sonic studio, please add FlexBass, bass redirection is kind of important.
- The little control thingy shipped with the phoebus is useless in sonic studio, no beam forming...
- We would like DDL and all of the digital thingies back, thank you.

Will try to think of more, feel free to complete the list.

kentukky wrote:
you're our last hope, since Raja is fired or dead... I don't know. :confused:

Nah, he's still here he just doesn't give a damn anymore 😄 (seriously, what is he paid for again?)

Level 13
Thanks for the info guys, I really appreciate it. I'll relay everything over to the software team and try to work with them on the issues.

Hope you guys don't misunderstand, Raja is not helping out for the audio products anymore because a lot of the sound cards have been discontinued for US side. His time is mostly being spent on where he's one of the most active members over there. His focus is mainly with motherboard products and on motherboard software issues, and with those tasks his hands are completely full.

Regarding the UI, it's mainly because the software is in beta stage so the software team decided to stick with the classic UI. I will have to check with them if the official version will revert back to the Sonic Studio UI.

Again, I appreciate all the information and there's only so much I can answer. The best thing I can do is to gather as much information as I can and keep pushing our software team to address each issue. When I have any new updates I'll definitely update everyone.


Level 14
well the Phoebus/Xonar Phoebus is like 3 years old now almost?
and the software updates on it have been close to zero from day one.
there have been 5 software updates and last one is over a year old.
heres the last update on the last posted file -> 2014/02/08 ( february 8'th 2014 )

Glasofruix wrote:
- If asus decides to keep sonic studio, please add bassflex, bass redirection is kind of important.

the card have flexbass ( the xonar have atleast )

kkn wrote:

the card have flexbass ( the xonar have atleast )

Whoops, flexbass. It's actually present in the "old" ui but it's nowhere to be found in sonic studio.

Bahz wrote:
Thanks for the info guys, I really appreciate it. I'll relay everything over to the software team and try to work with them on the issues.

Hope you guys don't misunderstand, Raja is not helping out for the audio products anymore because a lot of the sound cards have been discontinued for US side. His time is mostly being spent on where he's one of the most active members over there. His focus is mainly with motherboard products and on motherboard software issues, and with those tasks his hands are completely full.

Regarding the UI, it's mainly because the software is in beta stage so the software team decided to stick with the classic UI. I will have to check with them if the official version will revert back to the Sonic Studio UI.

Again, I appreciate all the information and there's only so much I can answer. The best thing I can do is to gather as much information as I can and keep pushing our software team to address each issue. When I have any new updates I'll definitely update everyone.


Oh my, with just one message we got more info than in the past 3 years, thank you.

Level 13
Just an update for you guys, I confirmed with our software team that they will stick with the Classic UI from now on, so no more Sonic Studio UI.

Bahz wrote:
Just an update for you guys, I confirmed with our software team that they will stick with the Classic UI from now on, so no more Sonic Studio UI.

Hello Bahz,
Thanx for info, but why Asus want to throw it away brand new Sonic Studio and lost time in work with this piece of code.
Many people liked this new style of UI, so it would be better to fix few issue and bugs and make love and peace 🙂
But seriously with WIN 10 Pro I am experiencing runtime error of Microsoft Visual C++ library problem with newest beta version for Phoebus, see attachment.

Can you provide me some solution for this or just try to fix it in new drivers? I can see this error box in many occasion like win dwos settings, system specs in native windows ui and ect, it´s really annoying.
Last thing which started since first driver is increasing level of microphone to the maximum sensitivy after launch Counter Strike GO. Since Xonar Phoebus is an gamer sound card, thing like this should work normally.

Thank you in advance for some answers...