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Op-Amp question STXII Muses8920 as Buffer?

Level 7
The Asus Essence STX II comes with multiple Op-amps.

Default heeft de Asus Essence STX II : 2x Muses8920 in I/V en 1x Muses8820 in Buffer

I did read a bit and people prefer the LME's over the Muses. Gives more and tighter bass. So I will change the 2x Muse8920 to 2x LME49720 as I/V
Now someone on a forum mentioned to put 1x Muse8920 as buffer instead of the Muses8820. Yet I could find only 1-topic post about this
Yet I read somewhere that the Muse8920 is a JFET. Can it be placed as buffer?

In package:
1 Op-Amp change equipment
2. 2x LME49720's and a spare MUSES 8820

I know that some people prefer the Muses01 and 02. They are 50 dollars each. Yet I live in the Netherlands and I cannot find a Europe-seller. Although 150 dollars now is a bit to much. Bought also a 980ti so 😜