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Just a Question about SPDIF and 5.1

Level 7
Hey dear ROGer

Some time ago I changed the Cables from Analog to Toshlink (optical) on my Logitech Z906 5.1 Surround System.
Now i can enjoy real Dolby Digital and dts Digital Surround ingame 😉

And my question is:
is there anyway to upmix 2.1 channel sound from YouTube to 5.1 in the drivers ?


Level 10
Yes as far as I know there is no 5.1 recorded sounds on youtube. So your Z906 is better at converting then the pheobus then? As you are simpy bypassing the sound card when doing the spdif and allowing the logitech to do the work load. If you are going to run it that way, I would just use onboard sound and use the spdif out on it then.

Level 7
my Logitech only upmix to 5.1 when i use those analog cables (if optical is connected then no chance to upmix it over the controllbox)
and i dont wanna grab em out again and connect to the system since i use Toshlink

so i thought there is any way to upmix the 2.1 sound to 5.1 in the drivers or dolby thing.

Level 10
I was going to hook my spdif up and I couldn't find the adapter to do it that was in the box. Would have been nice not to need a adapter to begin with. But nothing surprises me with this sound card. Sorry I can't help more, perhaps I can find it with a little more digging to test it out for you.

Level 10
Using optical toslink on the card basically negates any advantage you'd have of using the card. The speakers are now converting the digital signal into analog audio out, bypassing the lovely DAC's you paid $200 for. I would go back to the analog cables right away, also, the built in Dolby software that comes with the Phoebus drivers can take stereo and upmix it. If you go between the connections (optical and analog) you will notice, albeit very minute, that the sound is cleaner with analog. I have the speakers you have (Z906) and have tried both, granted now I upgraded, sold my Xonar and bought a Sound Blaster ZXR...
Asus G20CB - Core i7 6700, Nvidia GTX980, 16GB Ram, 256GB SK Hynix SSD, 1TB Samsung SSD.