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Op-Amp question STXII Muses8920 as Buffer?

The Asus Essence STX II comes with multiple Op-amps. Default heeft de Asus Essence STX II : 2x Muses8920 in I/V en 1x Muses8820 in BufferI did read a bit and people prefer the LME's over the Muses. Gives more and tighter bass. So I will change the 2x...

Device-(Development) Support Asus Essence STX II??

Just noticed that the latest driver released for W8.1 64-bit was 2015/06/30. Still in Beta! ??Are you guys like Samsung? Release a product and straight afterwards drop the support and make new product instead?It is in my opinion ridiculous that a hig...

Any suggestions on a OP-AMP upgrade for a Xonar Xense?

Per the title, I have a Xonar Xense that I'm interested in performing an OP-AMP upgrade on. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to upgrade to?I'm primarily a gamer, but I do listen to music and watch movies/TV too.Any advice gratefully recei...

Eredyn by Level 7
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Xonar Phoebus, no SPDIF sound

ive had this card since I dont know when and i have never been able to get the Digital sound to work. I always thought it was my optical cables, but i just bought a new one and still nothing. I have a logitech z5500 sound system that wont detect anyt...

Killa by Level 7
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Netflix and DRM issue On Other Hardware

I was wondering if anyone knows if the Netflix and DRM issue that affects the Phoebus is also present in ASUS's other sound products? I know the U7 Xonar had the same issue, but am not sure if it was fixed or not. Is it a C-Media hardware problem or ...

Asus Rog Phoebus Solo, many doubts!!

Hello. Im Albert, it is me first post on forum. 3 days Ago I purchase the next model of Asus Rog Phoebus Solo.I have some doubts about this model, and some different logos over the box. I interested in dolby 7.1 and dts. But the dts does not appear o...


Sonic Studio

Hi Guys,Sonic Studio causes star citizen to crash on start and also Bittorrent.As long Sonic Studio is running i can't use these programms.Is there any way to fix this?Greetings Neo

neo243 by Level 7
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Strix Raid DLX microphone volume win10

hey guys,the microphone volume control is completly broken on windows 10. Tested with 1.0.9 and beta 1.1.2. Windows 7 is it working like intended.Microphone Volume is completly useless from 0-85 Volume. And at 95 or higher its distoration like hell. ...

Endzeit by Level 7
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Strix raid box going crazy

Today my box has going crazy, it keeps switching back and forward speakers / headphones with clicking sound in the card. I tried updating drivers and firmware but the firmware updater is not picking up the box or the sonic software when you click t...