Hello all,
I'm creating this new thread because i'm pissed of at ASUS and theyr're disgraceful lack of support for the Thunderbolt Card in regards to sound!
As you can tell formt he title of the topic, the Thunderbolt only emits a loud static noise from the Line in/FP Mic jack which renders the use of a microphone impossible. If you google this up you'll see quite a few users reporting this problem on ASUS forums, in these same forums, and other around the internet.
I've been unable to use my microphone for months now and i get no answers from ASUS or anyone else representing them and that is unacceptable. I spent 400€ on a Black edition motherboard, partially because of the thunderbolt card and I get no support in fixing this issue!! I mean....How hard can it be to responde to a post or an e-mail??? Is the Thunderbolt fundamentaly broken or what? Are they working on a solution?
There's a complete lack of respect for costumers and that pisses me off. Seriously ASUS, WTF are you thinking treating your costumers like this?? What gives you the right to do so?
Can anyone shed some light on this issue with the thunderbolt? Can I RMA the card only without having to send the motherboard?