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Need suggestions on GT-BE98 setup

Level 8

Hello, relatively clueless here but looking to upgrade.  We have about 5000 sf on two levels (2500 each).  The Xfinity modem is in the upstairs NE corner of our house, and my son who likes to game is in the basement SW corner, so completely opposite sides to the house.   We also have in-floor radiant heat which I have been told interferes with wifi.  We have had an Orbi960 mesh system for 4 or 5 years and it's just not reliable any longer.  Tech support is useless.  The home was built in 1994 so no LAN installed.  We need to use 100% wifi.  I know that we will need to do a mesh system and my question is should I get two GT-BE98s or can I get by with something cheaper like the BE7200 for the node(s).  I want my son to be able to take advantage of the gaming band.  Any help would be much appreciated.


Accepted Solutions

Maybe a RT-BE86U at the other corner of the upper floor then a RT-BE58U (as advised) wired to your son's computer may work.  (Extra bandwidth as the middle needs to connect to both routers).

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Level 16

It would help if you gave some WiFi specs of your son's system, or if you're able to connect it/them via Ethernet to a node router placed near his gaming device(s).

Looks like he's got Aorus GC-WBAX210 so 6E, but that is easily upgradeable at minimal cost compared to the $ we will spend on a new Wifi system.  He also seems to have on board ethernet, so he could connect to a node placed near by.  The main GT-BE98 would be on the other side of the house, so he would only be connecting to the "node", whatever model that ends up being.  Best Buy suggested the RT-BE3600 as the node wiich is $199 compared to a 2nd GT-BE98 Pro at $699.

As described I suspect you're probably going to need 2 nodes.  So the signal goes across the 2nd floor, then vertically down through the floor to your son's PC, if the service is on a different floor which you seem to imply?

An option might be to contact your ISP to see if they can relocate the modem somewhere more central, or near the gaming system, to see how much that would cost...

Two nodes is fine.  Just looking for recommendations on what those should be.  Can’t relocate the modem as my wife has to be connected via Ethernet for her work PC and her phone that is part of the office phone system.  

Maybe a RT-BE86U at the other corner of the upper floor then a RT-BE58U (as advised) wired to your son's computer may work.  (Extra bandwidth as the middle needs to connect to both routers).

Thanks jzchen!  Best buy had the BE-96U on sale, so I ordered that for the upsatirs relay and then the BE-86U for my son's room to be wired to his PC.  Hopefully this will solve our wifi problems!

The BE-96u upstairs and the be-86u downstairs plugged into his pc is amazing.  Getting like 750-900 gbps throughout the entire house now!  So much better!   Thanks so much for the advice!