04:33 AM
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07:52 PM
07-13-2020 06:07 AM
Delosari wrote:
I have a router network consisting in and GT-AC5300 as the main router and a RT-AC86U, GT-AC2900 and RT-AC68U as aimesh nodes. The last two had always been the most "troublesome" in the aimesh network but it had been working decently until I did an update a couple months ago.
Since then the network has been very unstable particularly in the GT-AC2900 and RT-AC68U. Moreover, nodes keep apearing in my network. Some are refered as eth5, eth6, others have mac address as name, some even appear to have a hardware sofware version... Several firmware upgrades have come up since then but the same issues persist.
At this point I am planning to reset all the routers and pair them again via the aimesh. I have always performed a standard update using the configuration website but I see people are very careful and follow very complicate (at least for me) upgrade rituals.
My RT-AC86U, GT-AC2900 and RT-AC68U are displaying new firmware version and I would love to hear your advice on how to proceed. Thanks
07-16-2020 03:17 PM
ahfoo wrote:
You may try this,
1. break up all nodes and install the new firmware to individual one by one. Once install, hard reset your node .
2. Pair the node one by one to the newly upgrade mesh node to monitor if it work correctly.
3. If, the node not giving you problems, go on next node. If it is, post the log here.
4. I do agreed the logging from asus router quite primitive and not easy to understand. But with little piece by piece of info hopefully we are able to solve the puzzle.
PS: Remember to do a proper hard reset, and not to use the reset button on the router. Please refer to the following link for proper hard reset.
hope it helped.
07-17-2020 02:32 AM
Delosari wrote:
Thank you very much for your reply. Today, I followed your steps and, so far, in the past 6 hours no "phantom" nodes have appeared in the network map. The RT-AC68U disconnected once but it came back on its own. I wonder if I could have your opinion on two doubts I have always had on my aimesh network:
1) I have the impression that devices cannot find or connect to the aimesh router 5G network. In my case this is the GT-AC5300. Instead they connect to the weaker 5G network from further away nodes. Why would this be? In contrast, all the nodes seem to favour a direct connection to the aimesh router via 5G even if this is not the "best" option. For example, I would like my AC68U to connect to the AC86U via 2.4G since it is the closest, but still, there is a very thick stone wall between them. Is there a way to "suggest" the connection between devices/routers?
2) Are there some aimesh parameters I should change in the router configuration website?
Thanks again for all the help.
07-17-2020 06:45 AM
07-14-2020 02:23 AM
Delosari wrote:
I have a router network consisting in and GT-AC5300 as the main router and a RT-AC86U, GT-AC2900 and RT-AC68U as aimesh nodes. The last two had always been the most "troublesome" in the aimesh network but it had been working decently until I did an update a couple months ago.
Since then the network has been very unstable particularly in the GT-AC2900 and RT-AC68U. Moreover, nodes keep apearing in my network. Some are refered as eth5, eth6, others have mac address as name, some even appear to have a hardware sofware version... Several firmware upgrades have come up since then but the same issues persist.
At this point I am planning to reset all the routers and pair them again via the aimesh. I have always performed a standard update using the configuration website but I see people are very careful and follow very complicate (at least for me) upgrade rituals.
My RT-AC86U, GT-AC2900 and RT-AC68U are displaying new firmware version and I would love to hear your advice on how to proceed. Thanks
07-16-2020 03:26 PM
wilsondenq wrote:
Please use the feedback function in administration, we can check logs, and also provide your email to me in private message, we can query your feedback logs from our server.