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ASUS AiMesh AX6100 WiFi System - RT-AX92U 2 Pack

Level 7

I'd like to ask you for advice or any help cause I don't know what's going on.
I've got optical terminal (DASAN H660GM) from my NET operator with 600/50 Mb/s fiber link (FTTH.
My notebook was direct conneced to the termianl by 1m UGREEN RJ45 Cat.7 and I reached 600-650/50 Mb/s on speedtests.
When I used wireless connection on my notebook and smartphones (Galaxy S8+, Xiaomi Mi 9 [802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
]) I had 350-400 Mb/s. It's also good but my operator guarantee only cable connection speed.

I bought ASUS AiMesh AX6100 WiFi System (RT-AX92U 2 Pack) to reach my available maximum link by WiFi. This set offers 6.1 Gb/s by WiFi.
Now I have twin routers (nodes). One of them is connected to the operator terminal by 0,5m UGREEN RJ45 Cat.7. The second one is in another room, 15m in straight line faraway without any barriers like doors or walls. It's set up as node using AiMesh (wireless conecteed to the first one).
I turned off 2.4GHz and 5GHz on operator's terminal to avoid noise.
Now I've notebook connected to the main RT-AX92U by 2m UGREEN RJ45 Cat.7 and I reach the same speed as earlier - 600-650/50 Mb/s.
When I check WiFi speed I have 300-380 Mb/s.

The set has "Smart Connect " option. I turned it off to use 5GHz only.
*There is 5 GH -1 for devices connections and 5 GHz -2 for nodes only (comunnication beetween them). I use the first one.
Both nodes have up to date firmware (ver.
On both nodes I have the same speedtest results. Of course the most important is the main one cause the second one „can be slower” becasue of distance.
I changed them and reconfigured to check if they different or damaged.
To be honest I bought that set becasue I thought I will use maximum of my link.
To clarify I thought I will have the same wireless speed as I have on my cable connection 600-650/50 Mb/s.
It offer 6.1 Gb/s by WiFi and I even can't reach 1 Gb/s.

Can you advise me what I'm doing wrong?
Maybe someone has a similar set?
P.S. Sorry for my English and thank you for any help.

Level 8
What do you have for Wi-Fi adapters in your devices? In order to get faster speeds you need something like an AX200 Intel adapter and you also must turn on 160Mhz in the router Wi-Fi settings.

ronspitzer wrote:
What do you have for Wi-Fi adapters in your devices? In order to get faster speeds you need something like an AX200 Intel adapter and you also must turn on 160Mhz in the router Wi-Fi settings.

Thanks for the answer.
I don't know what adapter I have on my smartphones but I know they support the 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac standard.
Where can I find 160Mhz? I found 20/40/80Mhz only...