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Level 7

Hi I need some advice I’m thinking about upgrading my graphics card from a GTX 1080 to either a Nvidia RTX 4080 super founders Edition or a Nvidia RTX 4090 .At the moment I have a corsair 750w CS  series psu  and I was wondering what psu would be best and would fit in my corsair graphite series 780T full tower case with a  Asus Rog Strix Z270E gaming LG1151 motherboard with a Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Processor i7-7700k (4.2GHz) 8MB Cache Cpu



Hello spooks

If you check the pc bottlenecker, the i7-7700k is a pretty severe bottleneck for an RT\X 4080/4090.

The higher the resolution you go, the less the bottleneck becomes.

Bottleneck Calculator | PC Builds





Hi there thanks for your message and the link . I was hoping to upgrade the Gpu to a RTX 4080 with the psu I’ve already got to save money and I wanted a Gpu that would keep up with the new games for a year or two ? I used the calculator with RTX 4070 - came out 19.9% and the RTX 4080 was 23.8% ? Not sure what I’ll do I really didn’t want to go below a RTX 4070 .