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ROG Claymore II switch and keycap issue

Level 7

Just a few minute ago, my I button on ROG Claymore II is broke and fell down. It looks like the four pillars of the keycaps are broken off inside the switch, so I want to buy a new switch to replace it. Is there a link for the corresponding switch and keycaps?


Customer Service Agent


we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the keyboard damage.

Currently, ASUS does not offer individual sales of keycaps or switches.

If your product is still under warranty, we recommend that you bring your product to the nearest ASUS service center. 

You can refer to the following service center location link:

Official Support | ASUS Global

Thank you.

Providing detailed device specifications (MB/CPU/GPU/PSU, etc.) and the respective driver versions, OS version, and BIOS version will help us analyze the issue more effectively.

unfortunatly, this keyboard's warranty is already expired. Can I buy another switches like NX switches and a keycap fit that one? will that swtich fit my keyboard?