a month ago
I'm not familiar with this game which appears to date back to 2015? If the CPU is constantly boosting some of the cores due to a single threaded game design then your temps could be that high. The 14900HX will push beyond 1.4v Core voltage and see 5.8GHz / 5.7GHz on the performance cores.
What frequency are the cores running at during the game and Vcore? (Use hardware monitor to find out)
a month ago - last edited a month ago
Undervolt and reapply thermal compound. Those aren't normal temps (they are if you count base experience from most laptop vendors, but it shouldn't be, they just do a terrible job of applying liquid metal and without undervolt, intel cpus in general just burn themselves for no reason). Reaching those temps is only somewhat acceptable in a stress test, using cpu at 100% all core, and even then it shouldn't really if you set things properly.
a month ago
Kezmark - Are you suggesting his laptop from factory has a bad application of thermal compound?
I wouldnt be so sure as if you look at reviews for this particular model temps are generally high when it's underload.
Also as a quick test
- Cyberpunk, temps on my 14900HX hit 79 Degrees C on default settings and capped to 60 fps 1920x1200.
- Black Desert Online, 14900HX hit 98 Degrees C on default settings and capped to 60 fps 1920x1200.
Both games under 5 mins run, the difference being one is over 10 years old and the game engine relies more on the CPU for rendering physics / single threaded game design.
Also important to note the Vcore temps on default settings, its pushing out 1.56v and Asus have set the turbo PL limits to 175W (above intel recommendation). This alone is enough to push the CPU temps regardless of the application running.
So in general to fully answer the question of this being "normal", is the laptop faulty or does it run hot by design? I will suggest hot by design, and in this case the answer to Phil4's question would be it's normal. However some common ground is needed first, Phil4 do you have any other games?
This is a simple benchmark program, run and see how your temps are?
a month ago
Yes, I am suggesting the application is absolutely horrendous.
Here's an example of the type of application you can expect from asus on my own laptop : https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/gaming-notebooks/something-i-should-have-done-a-long-time-ago/td-p/106...
Mind you mine is a 13980HX but yeah, it would basically thermal throttle in anything without undervolting and even undervolted the temps were too high. After respreading it I don't even get to 80 degrees in any game with no fps lock or anything. Even in a 30 min run of cinebench I'm at most in the low 80s. Even if I fully unlock the boost to factory defaults, it doesn't reach 90 in cinebench unless it randomly spikes.
a month ago
Disable Hyper-Threading and undervolt the CPU with the following settings: set -150mV to the core and -150mV to the Pcache.
Another thing that affects your temperatures is the BIOS version. If your BIOS is not updated to version 331, do not update it, as it will severely limit your performance. You can read more about this in this post: https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/rog-strix-series/asus-and-intel-jokes-best-holiday-present/td-p/106460...
Also, consider buying a cooling pad for your laptop. I use the IETS GT500, which I prefer over the GT600 because you can clean the filter instead of having to replace it.
Finally, make sure to search the forum, as there are many posts discussing similar issues.
a month ago
Video of the stats in the game the finals dont watch the game play watch the stat also i show the power limits that i set and the voltage just watch the video to see all stats
and to mention i have disable 10 Ecores
a month ago
I don't play The finals, but I installed it just for a comparison in temps.
a month ago
Make a comparison if you can upload a screenshot whit the stats for the CPU GPU what are the temperatures ,power usage , frequency also is goot to write information from how long you have your laptop and when was the last time you clean your laptop
a month ago - last edited a month ago
You see it in the post with my repasting when I last "cleaned it" you even replied to it and it's just above. Frequencies are irrelevant since at the end of the day the fps is about the same and also I have all my ecores enabled as you see. What do I care that you allow your cpu to draw extra power for no reason and boost like a monkey as all intel cpus do when it gives no benefit? same with frequency. Past a certain point they are diminishing returns.
But hey, here's a quick screenshot from the tutorial. Nothing much changes when playing the game :
And here's one about 3 min in to cinebench, cause I'm not going to sit through it all. The score is in the mid 32k with the current settings btw.