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Problem with laptop

Level 8

Hello, I've got an issue with my laptop G18 Strix. Suddenly I can hear the sound of usb connection or disconnection and everything is stuck for a while or long while keyboard is getting blue. I do not know what causing that ****** but it is incredible annoying. Have anyone here experience something like that in the past?


Customer Service Agent

Hi @Ladds ,

We would like to confirm more details about your usage scenarios to further clarify your issue. Could you please let us know if your BIOS has been updated to the latest version?

You mentioned hearing the sound of a USB disconnection. Were there any external devices connected at that moment? Could you share the status of the external device connections and which software you were using when the issue occurred?

When the issue happens, do you need to perform a forced shutdown and restart to resume normal operation, or does it return to normal after some time? Thank you.

Due to the on going regional holidays, my responses may be slightly delayed.
For any urgent cases, we recommend reaching out to your local service center for further assistance. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding 🙂