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Nvidia GPU not dittected

Level 7

ASUS ROG gl704gw (Notebook) NVIDIA RTX 2070 I had fps drop issue due to overheating. Then I changed the thermal paste by myself. During the replacement procedure, some part called "U5904" which was attached to the motherboard next to GPU got accidently detached. Anyway, I carry on the procedure. Then after turning on my pc it seems NVIDIA GPU is missing (not in Task Manager, not in Device Manager, no ware to be found). And I did some system repairs which I forgot right now, but nothing could bring my GPU back. And I thought it was because of that part I accidentally broke. BUT!!!!!!!! After some time/some days like a miracle, my GPU appeared on device manager + task manager. I did nothing! It just appeared. After I installed certain NVIDIA drivers everything went to normal. Games are running bla bla bla.

I kept going for like 5 months fine. But one day I put my laptop to sleep and forgot to put my power adaptor plug in. After some time all the battery power ran out(weak battery) and I could not boot my laptop. No boot but only fans work. And I did the old trick that detached the battery and pressed & held the boot button to drain all the static electricity. And put things together and turned on my pc. TRICK WORKED! BUTTTTTT again now NVIDIA GPA is missing. Not to be found in task manager, device manager, not even in BIOS.

I tried :-

Reset + Update BIOS

Tried to reinstall drivers but failed due to GPU not detected(You can not install drivers without GPU)

Tried some cmd commands bla bla bla Nothing worked and I am waiting for the miracle that happened previously.


What should I do?


Customer Service Agent

Hi @GLE7995 ,

Due to the potential impact of component detachment on functionality and stability, we still recommend that you send the product to your local repair center for further inspection and confirmation. This ensures the stability of your usage. Thank you for your understanding.

Due to the regional holidays, my responses may be slightly delayed.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding 🙂