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asus rog flow x13 GV301RE constant restart Kernel Power 41

Level 9

Hello all,

I got this rog flow x13 because it appeared to tick all the boxes i wanted but sadly it is a nightmare. I don't know who designed this laptop and then who programmed the software but there are serious flaws with both.

The major issue I have is the fact that when I set it in a standard GPU mode or optimized and the Nvidia card gets used a little too much, the laptop restarts suddenly. In the event viewer I get the Kernel Power error with event ID 41. Windows in its infinite wisdom cannot say more than that. This essentially means a sudden loss of power but not much else. From my tests this only happens when Nvidia card is in use. This leads to a lot of heat being generated in the F5-F10 keys region followed by sudden restart.

The weird part is that I don't remember it being an issue in the first weeks after I got it. It started to appear after some bios update. Yesterday I received the latest bios update 327 I think and I got 5 restarts. I have to say that the restarts seem to happen when the laptop sits on a table. There just isn't enough air intake nomatter what liquid metal bull****** was used for cooling. Physics cannot be bull******ed no matter what the marketing department says. If I lift the laptop on a stand the situation seems a bit better.

Other than keep it elevated is there anything I can do? I need to operate in standard or optimized gpu state because I use WSL2 and it will not start in Eco State. Ah just to clarify, if I keep the laptop in eco state, the restarts don't happen. So it is clearly tied to the nvidia dedicated card.

In case anyone asks, I have all the latest windows updates, went to myasus and it found some PD updates which I installed. I am up to date. Is there a solution?


Hello @A-Sid ,

Sorry you are having the same problems as I have. Sadly I have not solved them. After many many tests I have narrowed the problem to the nvidia driver and the internal AMD gpu. From what I gather in the Eco, Standard and Optimized gpu states, the video goes through the iGPU. For some arcane reason, at times something happens and out of the blue the laptop restarts with the error. It never happens during games when I can only suspect that somehow the video is used straight throguh the dGPU.

I haven't have issues with restarts until a few days ago when I decided to again update the nvidia driver to the latest version. I am still on the 325 BIOS.

But this is not all. Before updating, the laptop decided to have all the simptoms you read on the forums. The bluetooth mouse would begin to stutter because bluetooth started to connect and disconnect. A restart or a hard reset would solve the problem for a day or so then the problem is back.

Next the keyboard started acting up. I would all of a sudden have an inactive keyboard for a few seconds then some text starts to appear. Or the first key I pressed when I started typing appears like it is stuck. All sorts of weird things.

I resorted to again uninstall all ASUS software which at this point I am convinced it is malware. I stopped all services and installed GHelper to get the same functionality but from a much saner software. The devs should be ashamed to call themselves programmers. Armory Crate is an absolute garbage app. So is MyAsus that does exactly nothing.

The keyboard and mouse appear to behave normally again but I still have a restart about once or twice a day. What I did not try and I will these days is to keep the laptop in the Ultra mode where it is exclusively using the dGPU. I have a feeling this will work nicely but I will loose the battery life.

Oh just so I don't get asked, I have also bought a cooling pap to cool down the laptop. Now I get about 50 celcius on the CPU and 60 on the dGPU (no idea what the iGPU registers). When a restart happens, it happens also in idle. So temperature is not the issue.

I would like to send it to a service but I use the laptop for work too and I cannot afford to be without it for however long they will keep it in service.


At this point I cannot recommend to anyone this laptop. It is a waste of time and money which is a shame because it has huge potential if only the devs would acknowledge and fix these problems. Sadly this will never happen. I am quite convinced that these are driver issues.

Hope things will get better!


Thanks for the super fast reply !

I m sorry to ear that you didn t work out the probleme.

I use the laptop and rog mobil for my work too, i m a computer aided graphist.

I too have overheat problems, hte laptop used to crash due to overheating when rendering images (intensive processor and ram usage)  i ve solved this by using the "manual" mode on armory crate, where i put all the fans to be a 100% speed when temperatures go over 70° Celcius. It helped to keep it "cooler" when rendering images (at least the laptop did not crash)

Concerning the the restart due to kernel i will try some testing in manul an turbo mode to sse if it changes anything, i will keep you updated if you wish.

I was considering buying the new flow X16 but (more RAM en bigger screen) but with all the problems encoutered with the x13 i don t think i will buy anymore Asus products


Customer Service Agent

Hi @A-Sid ,

Are you still experiencing restart issues with your laptop after multiple RMAs? 

Could you please private message me your SN and RMA number for further investigation? Thank you!

Due to the regional holidays, my responses may be slightly delayed.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding 🙂

Ok i will do that today

Customer Service Agent

Hi @drimago ,

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Based on your description, the restart issue might be related to the drivers. Asus releases drivers after conducting compatibility and stability tests specific to their laptops. Although Asus drivers are released slower than Nvidia's, they tend to be more stable. We recommend using the drivers provided on the official website. However, if the restart issue persists, we still recommend conducting a detailed hardware check at your convenience to avoid any disruptions in usage.

Regarding the keyboard and Bluetooth mouse problems, we suggest reinstalling ASUS System Control Interface v3 V3.1.18.0 and MediaTek Bluetooth driver V1.1036.2.368. This should help improve the situation. Thank you.

Due to the regional holidays, my responses may be slightly delayed.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding 🙂

Level 7

Almost same problem here rog flow x13 gv301re, in an old game like prince of persia forbbiden sands released in 2010 it restarts in 30 minutes 3 times at least due to overheating i think but i didn't have time to test it to narrow the issue and i have another problem at low battery when laptop goes to sleep due to lack of battery power, when i plug in the ac the laptop it get stuck in cpu low frequency mode at ~600mhz more or less and the laptop it s almoast unuseble untill i shut it down repeted times, any suggestions? Thanks in advance

I cannot comment on the problem with the game. I have experienced what you describe with the low battery. I know that if the battery falls below 30% i believe, when you plug it in the CPU is capped at 600 Mhz for some reason. There is no comment on this or reason why that is. All you have to do is wait for it to charge above the threshold and it will work normally. You don't have to restart.

Customer Service Agent

Hi @RarAsh ,

Regarding the issue with the restart, we would like to further confirm if this occurs in other games as well. Have you installed the display drivers released by Asus from their official website?

Additionally, concerning the performance decrease due to low battery, when the laptop's battery level is low, the operating system usually automatically reduces the gaming performance to extend battery life and ensure the device can function properly. This is a common power-saving strategy that lowers the computer's power consumption by reducing the speeds of theCPU and GPU to minimize battery usage. This can result in decreased gaming performance in low battery mode.
For optimal gaming performance, we recommend connecting your laptop to the power adapter to maintain the best performance. Moreover, you can check and customize power-saving settings in the operating system to suit your needs, but this might affect battery life. We advise keeping your laptop charged as much as possible during gaming to achieve the best gaming experience. The above explanation is provided for your reference.

Due to the regional holidays, my responses may be slightly delayed.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding 🙂

Hello @RarAsh and @A-Sid ,

I don't want to jinx it but by any change are you using bluetooth devices or do you have bluetooth turned on? I have notice on my laptop that if I turn bluetooth off the problems seems to just go away. I have the latest BIOS 327 now, latest nvidia drivers and latest amd drivers and all seems fine. Luckily my mouse also has a wireless mode with a dongle but sucks for my nice headphones. I will get a bluetooth dongle and I will have to juggle with the single type A port.


I will keep monitoring but it is looking good so far!




Bluetooth is always acitve, i have BT headphones and speaker. I will try to turn it off and i ll keep you updated
