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Asus downgrade Rog strix scar 18 G834JYR

Level 7


On 30.7.2024 I bought a brand new model of the Asus ROG strix scar 18 G834 JYR series. Despite the automatic update of nVidia graphics drivers in GeForce experience, my laptop started to stutter in all games. In cyberpunk 2077, he stutters only after hitting a car or hitting a wall and provoking the police. When driving a car after about 40 seconds in populated areas, he stutters all the time. In Assassin's Creed Origins, it stutters immediately after turning it on. Installing the original drivers, restoring the system, reinstalling the system did not help. The only thing that helped was to turn off the nVidia platform controlls and framework program. Games stopped stuttering, but in some games with Ray tracing, performance dropped by 15-20 fps. In my opinion, there must be a problem with the software and the deliberate reduction in performance of gaming laptops from Asus. Maybe Windows 11 does it too. So I turned off the VBS memory integrity, but there was no difference. The games stuttered all the time. So the only solution was to disable or uninstall nVidia platform controlls and framework.


Level 7



At the service, the technician told me that the drivers for this type of laptop must not be updated via GeForce experience. That these graphics drivers are specially modified. So where should I get the modified drivers, when on the official Asus website under the G834JYR cradle, the original drivers are still not updated and offer old drivers that just don't work well with nVidia platform control and framework..


My suspicion that nVidia or Asus or both companies are deliberately downgrading these laptops arose only when I installed MSI afterburber. The 528.24 nividia drivers still supported the power limit in Msi afterburber. From subsequent versions, the power limit was grayed out. You could increase graphics performance when you set the slider to max in power limit. So I could increase the graphics TDP up to 150w. In the registry, after updating the drivers and Windows, I had to enable the performance limit in the registry. In GPU Z, you will find the registry path and copy the path to the search in the Windows registry.


changed the value of RMI2cValidatedPortMask to 1c7.



Then I restarted my PC and was able to use the power limit area in afterburber again.




But today it is no longer possible to reactivate the power limit in Msi afterburber even via the Windows registry. So again, I can say that this is a deliberate downgrading of the performance of gaming laptops..

Customer Service Agent

    To further investigate this issue, could you please provide the following information via private message for clarification and confirmation? Thank you.

  • Serial Number:
  • BIOS Version:
  • Windows Build Version: (Settings > System > About)
  • iGPU/dGPU Driver Version:
  • Game Name where the issue occurs:
  • GPU and Fan Mode Settings in Armoury Crate:
  • Are there any external monitors or other devices connected:
  • Any upgrades or changes to SSD/RAM:

Additionally, please share the following:

  • Armoury Crate > Settings > About > Service Version > Check Button (Copy all content):

Thank you for your cooperation!

Due to the regional holidays, my responses may be slightly delayed.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding 🙂

Level 10

I've found many times that stuttering occurs when Vsync is enabled, if the game is designed to run at 60fps and you're trying to run at 144fps that will cause stuttering as well, you can change this multiple ways, firstly through the games graphics options, secondly through the Nvidia control panel 3d options, lastly through the computers Advanced Display settings, changing the refresh rate from 144HZ to 60HZ, try optimizing these settings together for a smoother experience, if the game is optimized for 60fps and you're running at a higher fps this will definitely cause major lag spikes at times and even stuttering.


I know Windows 11 from my personal opinion is horrible, when I upgraded to Windows 11 I started experiencing lag immediately with every action I did there was at least a 1 second lag spike compared to Windows 10, it might be worth downgrading to Windows 10, before you do that though, if you are using an External Hard Drive you will experience lag spikes as the disk spins up and spins down, you could always try moving the games from your External Hard Drive to your actual PC/Laptop and see if that helps at all.

It's most likely a Windows 11 issue as I'm running on Windows 10 and my computer is fully up to date with Nvidia Platform Controllers and Framework active with 0 issues persisting