05-21-2023 03:43 AM
For some reason my PC randomly freezes. Sometimes the screens go all black, sometimes it's a hard lockup where no input is registered, sometimes I get a BSOD. It's very strange because this machine has been very stable for the past two years or so and I've only started encountering this issue a couple weeks back.
GPU and CPU temps are fine so I'm confident I've ruled out temp issues.
I have tried:
A peculiar yet interesting finding: for some reason when I have task manager and/or HWiNFO running, the system crashes more frequently. The one time I didn't run either of those programs, the system managed to be stable for over 24 hours.
Any advice would be appreciated.
05-31-2023 02:26 AM
After upgrading to BIOS 4501 and then reverting again to default clocks, finally there have been no crashes / freezes for more than 24h. I tweaked my OC and doing following resulted in a stable system, both when idle and when under load:
I hope this helps anybody who encounters the same issue.
06-10-2023 05:07 PM
I've been having the same bloody issue!! was absoulutely fine for ages on my CHVIII Dark Hero, suddenly a few weeks ago random BSODs, WHEA errors, all kinds of crazy... updated to 4501 and my PC will randomly freeze - complete lock up
I've been buying ASUS for the last 5-6 years, but either they've messed up, or a windows update has messed up... after the fiasco with the overvolting on Asus motherboards recently, i'm 90% off Asus products at the moment.. and if this isn't resolved I'll be ditching them until they actually start implementing some QC. I shouldn't have to mess around with my PC just to be able to open a chrome tab!
@konstanz I'll definitely try those settings - thanks for posting!