07-29-2023 06:32 PM
Have an Asus z790-Plus WiFI D4 with a failed BIOS configuration during overclocking. All was well throughout the day with changes and stress testing until dropping the RAM freq to compensate for a Cinebench crash. Cinebench crashed to desktop, rebooted machine, entered BIOS, lowered RAM freq, then rebooted.
Anyway, after rebooting the POST screen comes up and says:
"Please enter setup to recover BIOS setting.
After setting up RAID,
VMD options must be set according to the interface type to avoid unknown issues.
Press F1 to continue and take advantage of ASUS optimized performance!
If you wish to follow intel guidelines and apply its stock power limits,
please disable the ASUS Multicore Enhancement (MCE) in the BIOS settings.
Next, you will enter the UEFI settings menu.
Press F1 to Run SETUP."
The problem is that no keyboard inputs are being recognized and no way to continue. The motherboard has no BIOS flashback or recover buttons external or internal. I attempted a CMOS clear by unplugging the machine, pushing the power ON button a few times to drain what power is remaining then shorted the clear CMOS pins for 12 seconds, but no change. I then completely removed the CMOS battery for 12 seconds then replaced it with no change. I also formatted a USB thumbdrive with FAT32, loaded the latest BIOS onto it and renamed it ASUS.CAP thinking the ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 might attempt a recovery, but it never attempts to read the thumbdrive. I believe the CrashFree utility is only usable if you have access into the BIOS.
No warning lights are on the motherboard and it has a green status light on the MB as if everything is fine.
Anyone have any advice on how to get this BIOS reset?
07-30-2023 03:29 PM
Well, i'm not exactly sure how/why, but I was able to get into the BIOS! After continuing to perform multiple CMOS clears as well as disconnecting every subcomponent and trying different USB drive partition sizes and formats, I decided to try other keyboards, but still had the same result. I said screw it and plugged in two keyboards at the same time and IT WORKED! It finally recognized key input! Not sure what the rhyme or reason for that behavior is, it worked