10-08-2022 05:38 PM
03-13-2023 05:31 AM
Greeny_SA wrote:
I've been doing testing on mine for the last few days and have some results. It would be great if someone else who has the same problem could run the same tests and see if they can replicate my results. Â* But... I think it might just be a matter of turning it off rather than leaving it on standby. If anyone else can check theirs, that would be great.
03-16-2023 01:09 AM
Loremaker wrote:
At the end of the day I turn off my PC, but wait 15 Minutes before turning of the monitor with the remote, then I turn off power completely.
I have newer seen the pixel refresh popup… tbh I am not sure whether pixel refresh is actually running. Should the led indicator on the monitor blink orange for 6+ minutes? I have seen it blink orange for a few seconds after turning of the PC.Â*
04-16-2023 02:39 PM
I tried that and it did not help anything. We shouldn't have to do that anyways.
04-16-2023 02:44 PM
Adding my voice to choir...
Wish I had found this forum thread earlier, but I too have this issue on PG48UQ.
I contacted ASUS support about it, and after performing all the troubleshooting steps & even trying multiple computers/blu-ray players; ASUS had me send it back to them with an RMA. FedEx ended up smashing the monitor on the way, but FedEx took responsibility and ASUS fixed the screen. However, they didn't even attempt to fix the original issue. They didn't even watch the video of this issue I created.
Really frustrating and it seems like this issue isn't bubbling up to the right people yet, as either they are pretending they don't know about the issue or the people who should be informed have not yet.
I really hope the fix is just a FW change.
04-17-2023 02:21 AM
Hello, @AustinT .
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
After completing the repair, has the problem you described been eliminated?
Please check the top right corner of the screen and kindly share the details requested in the PM inbox.
Thank you.
04-17-2023 01:04 PM
Hello @Jiaszzz_ROG
No, the problem wasn't eliminated for me and it doesn't sound like anyone else. If you look at the Amazon reviews and a professional reviewer on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06TIUcfjA5o&lc=UgxshZu55zuTNIiLwqN4AaABAg.9oaagAj5Afv9oapcTHpRbf&ab_... Look at his comments. He didn't see the issue until after the video was made) you can see literally everyone is experiencing it who has made a review.
I will continue this conversation in the PM inbox.
04-17-2023 07:42 PM - edited 04-17-2023 07:43 PM
Hello, @AustinT .
I have updated the reply in the PM.
If possible, please share a detailed record of the video when the problem occurred, so that we can better understand the actual behavior of the situation.
Thank you.
04-17-2023 08:27 PM
Sure, you'd be the first person to actually view it. I can tell via Youtube Analytics no one else has, even though I mentioned it multiple times in the RMA.
What happens before this: Literally nothing. I can be gaming, or I can have not touched my computer for a few minutes with nothing open. Or it can be playing a movie via my Blu Ray player.
04-18-2023 01:50 PM
Thought I would add my two cents to the discussion. I have the 48 inch version and I personally don't think it's an auto pixel cleaning issue as I've had it happen long before the 4 hour window, and sometimes even the same as the 42 inch version where the screen will switch off for a few seconds before coming back on again. Also, restarting my computer causes the display to come back when the monitor does shut off for what seems like indefinitely. That wouldn't happen if a pixel clean was happening as no cables are being unplugged. My guess? A firmware issue for sure, perhaps it is the firmware deciding it is time for a pixel clean, running the cut the display command with no pop up and not actually running the routine. Plus, I discovered that if you leave it for a minute it does come back, rather than the full six minutes as described from the cleaning routine. Plus, I've pulled the plug numerous times when the monitor has become unresponsive with no damage at all to the screen, which you would expect there to be if it was indeed doing a pixel clean.
04-19-2023 02:25 PM
You make a good point, if it was "Pixel Cleaning", we wouldn't expect it to occur within a time period so close to previous manual "pixel cleaning" or previous "screen deactivation" (or whatever we want to name this issue...). Also, what I see when I activate the "pixel cleaning", the indicator LED turns blinking orange; whereas when the "screen deactivation" occurs, it just stays red as normal.
So perhaps our hypothesis there is incorrect. How much longer until ASUS at least acknowledges the issue?
I really hope its just a FW fix and not a recall.