04-18-2024 09:36 AM
So i am having this issue since the day i bought the monitor.
At first it was happening during a certain game,the callisto protocol.
Now it is happening also in Destiny 2.
As i am playing these games with HDR on,after some time the screen goes black and i have to manually turn the monitor off and on again in order for the image to appear again.
I had at the beggining the factory firmware,after i updated to MCM102 and now i have the 103.
This issue seems to be consistent on all firmwares.
I know it is not related to my windows setup because on the same pc with a different monitor this does not happen.
I have my pg32ucdm connected via dp.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated!!
12-14-2024 06:38 PM
@xxdmansurferxx wrote:
This is unfortunately a very much still relevant defect in these monitors. I have the PG32UCDP and it’s doing it to me pretty regularly when I play borderlands 3. I even swapped the first one due to the same issue but the second one still does it.
Since I switched to HDMI, turned off VRR and proximity sensor, I had the issue twice in less than 3 minutes last week and that's it over the last 3 weeks. I wish @Aureliannn_ROG was still here trying to help. Why they have left?
12-22-2024 09:09 AM
So as an update, I returned the second monitor and opted for a different one, the Alienware aw3225qf curved screen. So far, zero issues with a black screen during gaming sessions. Aside from it being a little dimmer brightness wise than I would prefer, the monitor is running flawlessly. When i tab out of a game it doesn't go into seizures blinking and losing and regaining signal for 15 seconds, no black screens during gaming, no having to pull cables out and plug them back in to get back to a normal screen. I honestly have non idea how these kinds of issues were allowed to move on to market for a $1300 dollar monitor. I love ASUS computer parts and will continue to buy from them, but as for 4k monitors, mine was the UCDP model, I'm probably going to stick to alienware or maybe even samsung for the future.
12-15-2024 10:48 AM - edited 12-15-2024 08:45 PM
My PG32UCDP started getting these non stop black screens yesterday. Doesn't matter what I do it just keeps blacking out. Pretty sure ill be returning this tomorrow. How has Asus completely ignored this issue seeing it’s been going on for a while…
Edit*** So the only way ive gotten this monitor to actually work properly with no issues is like how some people have said and thats to put the refresh rate to 120hz...I will still more than likely return this monitor tomorrow because 1300 dollars for a 120hz monitor is unacceptable.
Edit** Spoke too soon lol, even 120hz gives the black sreens!
12-16-2024 09:51 PM - edited 12-16-2024 10:27 PM
Just to switch it to 120 Hz is not enough. I've tried it myself with the UCDM. It's the DSC-Support you have to switch off on the monitor itself. But you will loose the 240 hz and cut it down to 120 hz and as you already stated, THIS is NOT a proper solution. Sorry folks, I'm even get angry about the total silence from Asus in this super annoying case. I'm considering to RMA after alll, because it seems you cannot hope any longer for a solution from Asus in this case. Sad but true.
12-17-2024 07:46 AM - edited 12-17-2024 07:55 AM
I don't believe DSC has anything to do with it. I strongly suspect our culprit is VRR. For example, you are gaming and VRR syncs your FPS to the monitor's Hz refresh. Everything is peachy until you hit those 1% lows and the FPS drops below 48. Since VRR is syncing things up, it causes the monitor's Hz refresh to dip below the Freesync minimum range of 48hz. The monitor crashes because LFC (low frame compensation) doesn't kick in either at the GPU driver level or the monitor level. With Gsync monitors, the Gsync module can handle this situation usually and why it seldom happens with those monitors.
My brother has an QD OLED monitor, Alienware AW3423DW with the Gsync module, and has never had a black screen with it or even OLED flicker. I believe the OLED flicker could be related to the VRR issue and why it is so pervasive. Just wanted to add that detail in there.
12-17-2024 08:28 AM
Well, unfortunately afaik there is no OLED 32+ with 240hz and a native Gsync module. This mentioned Alienware has "just" 175hz.
12-17-2024 08:53 AM
Yep, he has had it for a few years now I think but it is a great monitor. He is thinking about getting another monitor that has a higher refresh but I told him to do his research beforehand because of this issue, which he was unaware of. He got the PG27AQDP but ended up taking it back because it actually looked worse than his Alienware and he didn't really notice much difference with the higher refresh.
12-17-2024 04:16 PM
@GRTim wrote:
With Gsync monitors, the Gsync module can handle this situation usually and why it seldom happens with those monitors.
If you have the UCDP, notice the Gsync logo bottom left when you power on the monitor. I read it was not validated or certified as Gsync compatible yet but that it may be later. Strange that it is still showing the logo.
A next firmware update may well just remove that logo.
12-17-2024 04:36 PM - edited 12-17-2024 04:44 PM
Doesn't have a Gsync module. It is only Gsync compatible. It uses Adaptive-Sync, which is the Vesa version of VRR.
It looks like it is worse than Freesync as far as range than the others.
Edit: It appears to have the same range as the Freesync Premium Pro on the PG32UCDM, 48hz-240hz. The below is just for certification.
"The VESA AdaptiveSync certification requires a display to have a variable refresh rate (VRR) range of at least 60–144 Hz. This range is the minimum needed for low framerate compensation (LFC) support"
AMD Freesync Supported Monitors
PG32UCDM 48hhz-240hz via DisplayPort 48hz-240hz via HDMI
Blur Busters Gsync Explanation
Once the framerate reaches the approximate 36 and below mark, the G-SYNC module begins inserting duplicate refreshes per frame to maintain the panel’s minimum physical refresh rate, keep the display active, and smooth motion perception. If the framerate is at 36, the refresh rate will double to 72 Hz, at 18 frames, it will triple to 54 Hz, and so on. This behavior will continue down to 1 frame per second.
12-17-2024 10:21 AM
I also have an Alienware AW3423DW and it has worked flawlessly for me, but id like a faster monitor and use this one for work so i really dont wanna buy another DW or DWF. I returned the pg32ucdp yesterday. Im happy the problems happened right away and i was able to just return it to BestBuy instead of having to deal with RMA. Id love to grab another monitor but seeing how so many of these 3rd gens seem to have black sreen issues, im gonna wait and see what newer 4th gen OLEDS are gonna be revealed at CES 2025. Also, alot of the black screens were happening even when i wasnt playing games. The whole situation is pretty nuts...