12-19-2024 05:40 AM
Hey I posted this on reddit but I want to be 100% sure.
I have an Asus PG32UCDM monitor and today I've noticed that on the VRR section of the internal panel settings I only have Freesync Premium.
Is this normal shouldn't I also have G-Sync support?
Is this only a visual bug since I can enable / disable G-Sync in Windows?
Tried turning VRR On / Off, G-Sync On / Off still no luck.
I have the latest Nvidia GPU drivers and the Nvidia app updated to the latest version.
GPU: ASUS TUF RTX3090 / CPU: AMD 5900x
12-19-2024 06:37 PM
Hi @pika112 ,
Thank you for contacting us.
Regarding the variable refresh rate issue with your PG32UCDM monitor, we would like to further explain:
Thank you.
12-20-2024 06:59 AM
why has ASUS not released any firmware for PG32UCDM?? how long should we need to wait? Are you guys not ashamed of claiming best brand for monitor?? While you can't even provide proper support for higher end variants how come you can say ASUS is best?? Seriously one of the worst brands in the market. 👎👎 nice job scammers. I regret purchasing a product from scamming company like you. ASUS here take this mask 🤡🤡
12-20-2024 04:32 AM
It's the same with my monitor. G-sync compatibilty only shows up on the monitor OSD if you are connected through DP, not HDMI. However, I can confirm that g-sync works on HDMI too (you can check that it's enabled in NCP), even though it's not showing on the OSD 🙂
12-22-2024 04:33 AM
Yea ppl that I asked keep saying it's just a visual bug in the monitor's UI, still weird tho.
I'm waiting for that firmware update that will let us select Gamevisual profiles while in HDR like the newer Asus PG32UCDP monitor can with its latest firmware.
12-25-2024 02:37 AM
"गणेश जी की पूजा में अगर आप सही शब्दों के साथ चालीसा पढ़ना चाहते हैं, तो आपको यह वेबसाइट जरूर देखनी चाहिए। यहां आप गणेश चालीसा के सभी शब्दों और उनके अर्थ को सही तरीके से जान सकते हैं। यह वेबसाइट आपकी पूजा को और भी विशेष बनाएगी।"