Not sure how there is no post about the Asus Pugio already, so I'll get things started. Sooo...where is the Asus Pugio? It was announced in the beginning of April in one of Asus's press events ( and has not been mentioned again. There isn't a projected quarter release mentioned in the article I linked, even though the other products mentioned got one.
I'm only noticing the Pugio again now, because I saw it in an Asus video for Computex 2017 where it was in the background on one of the setup booths. The mouse looks really nice and comes with a nice feature set for ambidextrous users. Heres the spec page on the Asus website:
Does anybody know of a projected release date for this mouse? Or are we looking at another Claymore situation where it goes unmentioned for years/months even after being showcased?