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ROG SPATHA wireless not working

Level 7
Hi everyone!

I updated the firmware of Spatha and now is not working in wireless mode. I tried updating the dock, the armoury. I tried to unplug the battery, reinstall several times armoury and still not working....Is like the dock and the mouse can´t pairing

Armoury version: 2.04.09
Firmware: 1.69

Im sure 100% that is a software problem.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance

Ill try that, the mouse is working fine on usb when it doesnt glitch out and decide not to work at all and the settings are fine when armoury doesnt go weird and change them all by itself cuz then i have to reset everything to default

is there a way to reset the firmwares on both mouse and receiver? i tried the hold the 3 buttons method and nothing happens

edit: Removed the battery, deleted everything from armoury and did a clean install of 2.04.9. Seems good so far but like i said the problems happened randomly while on wireless, will post again after some test, thanks

edit2: Well didnt need a lot to start happening again, so im not sure what might be. Maybe the receiver or the mouse is indeed faulty cuz i used to have that weird disconnection before, where the receiver light goes off for a split second, it only happens on wireless other than that weird complete mouse shutdown that happened earlier, where neither wired or wireless would turn on

Sorry, what is happening again? Tracking or connection issue on the Spatha?
Do you have other peripherals software installed?
FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

I dont exactly know how to describe it but when connected on wireless it doesnt track well, gives some sort of lag/switching dpis constantly, fails to click buttons when its acting like this. Sometimes the receiver light goes off for a split second since i bought it which always caused a slight loss of connection for a sec but now its different, its like the mouse pointer doesnt move sometimes or feels "stuck" in place and no i dont have any other software installed just the armoury

and also my mouse stopped working completely for a couple minutes before, trying to solve the issue a couple days ago, basically after reinstalling armoury and switching from wireless to wired the mouse scroll started blinking red and then the mouse shutdown completely without any signal, works to remind it was fully charged btw

It also starts going crazy in the settings in armoury when that happens like for example all buttons changed to disable, dpi goes 8200 or 50 (bugged, it wont really move), color gets set something completely different than what i set but usually goes white on its own, and i need to reset all settings to default.


We have discovered a probable cause for this, and a fix will be released soon. When Armoury is loading, it is imperative that you do not starting clicking to hurry it up or change profiles.
FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

Okay that might fix one of the problems, but my wireless problem happens even without armoury installed ill probably take my mouse to the store for RMA

Oh yeah JFYI another bug that happens is the lightning going different settings when you place the mouse to charge too, mine is set to reactive red so it shouldnt light when charging but sometimes goes flashing green or purple xD not really a problem just a bug

Apparently there was a person with the same problem as mine here lagging while in wireless but seems it was fixed for this person with firmware update, so i assume it might be a corrupt firmware or leftovers during the update in the receiver? but how can i fix the firmware if theres no more firmwares listed for me or cant manage to reset it and install the latest directly i also tried to install the firmware directly but it tells me no mouse is detected when trying

My mouse has the same problems, I do not know what to do ...
everything has been updated, everything has been tried, and the ports have been changed and the mouse disassembled, took out the battery, everything is reset all settings early and the mouse does not move, the color of the mouse does not turn red, but white completely!
and all this happens at any time

Today I turned on the computer and again crashed in the mouse, all the settings were thrown off and the mouse did not move, the firmware and the latest version of the program, another mouse rescues to adjust the new settings, I really do not like it !!!

SonnyEugen wrote:
Today I turned on the computer and again crashed in the mouse, all the settings were thrown off and the mouse did not move, the firmware and the latest version of the program, another mouse rescues to adjust the new settings, I really do not like it !!!

What is the issue you are facing now?
The latest firmware and software are able to be installed?
Is the still mouse working but settings are strange?
Windows 10 latest version/build?
FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

Yeah apparently thats a bug with armoury itself, gotta reset everything to default to fix it, settings really go nuts but up to that i was sorta "comfortable" with. Now im completely unable to use it under wireless cuz it have tracking issues and doesnt click when it goes nuts 😞 im almost sure its firmware issues and cant even reset this crap, it doesnt work