My system: Win7 sp1 64 bits (updates disable since november 2017) + ROG Armoury v10226 (last version)
I've always used the mouse in WIRED mode, but...
In 01/19/2018 00:51 (UTC -3) the mouse started to fail, I thought it was cable problem.
15 seconds later, it stopped working in wired mode.
With the SAME CABLE in the wireless base, the mouse works in wireless mode.
In cable mode:
a) Irresponsible mouse
b) ROG ARMORY does not detect anything
c) Windows detect 2 hardware items 'Mouse compatible with HID'
d) Uninstalling and Installing ultimate version of ROG Armory did not provide any change in the outcome symptoms.
The SAME CABLE, removing of mouse and putting it in the WIRELESS BASE, and...
a) Windows detect 4 hardware items 'Mouse compatible with HID'
b) Sometimes the ROG armory detects the mouse, sometimes not.
--Behavior Ambiguous / Unpredictable--
Test 1
ROG ARMORY show message: "You also need to update the mouse firmware. Switch to THE WIRED connection mode to update the mouse firmware." I NOT update and not detect mouse in "mouse" tab, BUT in the settings says: Version Software 1.02.26 | base firmware: 1.32 | mouse firmware: 1.49
Test 2
ROG ARMORY detect Mouse, and show Mouse options in "Mouse" tab.
In the settings says: Version Software 1.02.26 | base firmware: 1.32 | mouse firmware: 0.00
Mouse is detected in Wireless mode, and I can reprogram the functionality of the mouse buttons.
I tested the sync buttons, or closed and reopened ROG ARMORY, but it did not change the symptoms.
a) If I am using the same cable, connected to the same USB port, it is clear that the cable is perfect.
b) The behavior of ROG ARMORY does not seem predictable, it can not be said why it detects the mouse, or why it in another test does not detect the mouse.
c) There may be a correct sequence of procedures, so that you can perfectly detect the mouse in ROG ARMORY, but there is no exact documentation.
d) ROG ARMORY software expects the user to have a specific update to Win7 and I do not have it?
I noticed that ROG ARMORY is automatic updates 'by default' . I'd never realized, if I did, I'd have disabled.
On 01/19/2018, when I turned on the computer, ROG ARMORY did an automatic update.
As Windows did kernel upgrade involving Meltdown / Specter, it is possible that 'The Peripheral Team of ASUS' has updated the ROG ARMORY,
assuming ALL users would upgrade Windows, which is not true, and problems are happening.
If you have any procedures, or any updates that solve the problem - Show now