HOW THE WIRELESS PROBLEM WAS RESOLVEDI bought a Corsair keyboard, and I installed the Corsair Utility Engine (CUE) version 2.20.72 on 12/18/2017.
A perfect month later (01/19) the problem occurred in the ROG SPATHA mouse.
Several times during these days, I suspected CUE, and disabled boot during tests and in my attempts to re-enable the Mouse.
But during the normal use of everyday life, I allowed CUE to be run in Windows start.
Between the dawn of 01/19/2018 and the afternoon of 01/07/2018, the wireless base was detected, but the mouse was not detected by ROG ARMORY, not being able to reprogram the mouse buttons in Wireless mode, although the simple operations of clicking and moving the cursor worked.
I do not have a screenshot, but in Wireless ROG Armory mode it did not display Mouse information, it only showed a reddish background.
( It is not the real screen, it's just a similar drawing of SPATHA in wireless mode, without detection by ROG ARMORY )
-Computer was shut down on 02/07/2018 at 03:30:20 (UTC-2), still with all problems
-Computer was connected on 02/07/2018 at 18:27:57 (UTC-2)
-Corsair Utility Engine (CUE) version 2.20.72 if run at Windows startup, and displayed a black popup saying there were updates.
-I opened the CUE application, and I used its graphical interface, to cancel any kind of update, but there was no option to cancel, and I ended up making no changes.
I was completely involved with the problems of the mouse, and I did not want this application to disturb me.
-CUE may have carried out some procedure without my consent. I've never updated the CUE application.
The ROG SPATHA mouse was detected again in wireless mode, allowing button programming and light change, even using the old ROG ARMORY version 10224.
I made a printscreen - SPATHA is complete detected in Wireless mode

-I updated the ROG ARMORY for version 2.04.04 on 02/07/2018 at 18:51:29 (UTC-2)
- After updating, the ROG SPATHA continued working perfectly in Wireless mode.
Then, I performed the procedure of opening the mouse and disconnecting the battery (as requested by the forum administrator), and I answered writing the post #7 in this thread.
The correction of the problem of the ROG SPATHA Wireless occurred on 02/07/2018, between 18:27:57 and 18:51:29 (UTC-2), AND I AM SURE THAT IT WAS CAUSED BY AN "unknown remote procedure" of Corsair Utility Engine version 2.20.72, which I did not order, and never allowed, and occurred when the application detected an online update (which I never asked to do).
- CUE is in version 2.20.72 in my PC, it is the same version that I installed on 12/18/2017, and officially no update occurred.
MY ANALISIS File changes at critical moment, between the 'mouse correction event' and the ROG ARMORY update
"user-PC" is my local user
PATH - Data - Hour (UTC-2) - Size - User - FileName
07/02/2018 18:34
user-PC\user Corsair
07/02/2018 18:34 365 user-PC\user CUE.cuecfg
07/02/2018 18:34 user-PC\user ..
07/02/2018 18:34 user-PC\user .
Comment: Files produced by CUE, automatically or during my access, although I have not made any changes
Corsair modification files at 18:34

There may have been changes in the Windows registry, I have no way of knowing.
07/02/2018 18:48 67.565 user-PC\user TelaFuncionando.JPG
Comment: ROG SPATHA was working perfectly in wireless mode with ROG ARMORY v10224, and I did a screenshot using SnippingTool from Windows 7
07/02/2018 18:48 user-PC\user MSHist012018020720180208
07/02/2018 18:48 user-PC\user ..
07/02/2018 18:48 0 user-PC\user container.dat
07/02/2018 18:48 user-PC\user .
Comment: I never use Internet Explorer, it must have been opened as embeded by some other application, must have saved history when it was closed.
The application's XML may indicate an attempt to identify a Scimitar mouse.
Opening the configuration files, at the end of the file
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Corsair\CUE\profiles\"UNIQUE ID".cueprofiledata

I have a Corsair keyboard, but I've never had a Scimitar.
Perhaps this is the source of the all problems: Attempting to execute "Demo" in other hardwares.
I removed CUE from the startup.
NOTE: The Wireless Problem has been solved, but the mouse continues to have problems in the wired mode.