Hoi there,
I have the odd problem, which I noticed and reproduced mostly in gaming, that my RoG Claymore II is sending ghost escape key strokes when Aura Sync is activated. This seems to happen like every 2-3 minutes and it seems to get like 2-3 escape key strokes in fast succession. For example while playing Lost Ark, where the escape key closes open menus (one by each stroke) or opens the game menu while no other is open. I get my menues closed every 2-3 mins or if I'm playing I will be interrupted in what I'm doing be the flashing game menu which is opened and closed in quick succession without me pressing the escape key.
This behavior seems to be limited to the escape key and happens in other games to (I remember Dying Light 2) and it stops if I disable aura sync for the keyboard or unplug it and plug it in again (what also disables aura sync).
This is the firmware information:
While making this screenshot in Paint I noticed the file saving dialoge to be closed on me which also is linked to the esape key so the problem might happen everywhere but not all programs are using the escape key for something.
I tried resetting the keyboard via FN+ESC but this seems to accomplish nothing. I might have been doing it wrong as soon as I hold both keys down it dont even takes 10-15 seconds for all keys to flash. They flash rather quickly and then its back to the normal RGB-effect.
I hope you guys can understand my problems. English is not my native language and I will gladly try to give more information or be more accurate if you have questions.
Kind regards,
Broken One