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Feature request: device, not Aura Creator, per key LED

Level 7

I've just bought a Falchion RX Low Profile and, while I'm broadly happy with it, I bought it specifically to use per key RGB assignments with multiple devices, including Android devices.

Unfortunately, I've discovered that per key RGB is not supported except via Armory Crate (and then through the painful use of Aura Creator, making incredibly complicated what should surely be an easy use of per key RGB lighting -- to assign static colours to individual keys!). Meaning it only works with a PC or Mac, and that the settings don't persist in Bluetooth mode. If I'd known this I would not have bought the keyboard. 

Please could ASUS consider a firmware update to permit static per key lighting as a *device* lighting effect, not an Aura Sun-driven effect. I don't need rainbows and raindrops. I do need per key colour assignment, and perhaps I'm alone in this but I would have thought this was an absolutely basic functionality for a per key RGB keyboard?