I have to say, I've got a Windows 10 machine, and a set of Strix 7.1 and they seem to be working okay. Granted I haven't played with everything about them, but I do get audio out of them (SS at that). I'm getting them as a Christmas present from my wife, and she wanted me to test them, before putting them away. (Just in case there is a problem with them (She bought them on sale)).
The control box should light up no matter what versions of Windows you have.
I first plugged them into a Windows 7 machine, and updated the firmware that's currently at beta stages. (This can be done on Windows 10 as well)
I then read this thread and got a little worried about them working on my Windows 10 machine, since I'll be using them on it the most. I plugged them in, and they worked first time.
Windows 10 downloaded the needed the drivers, and I got SS Audio.
I of course can't comment for back in August, about the lack of drivers back then, but I have a strong feeling that the OP had either a broken control box or their PC wasn't giving out enough power. It does use two ports, but even then, not all PCs give out enough power out of the front ports. One should use back ports for this, if possible. (And make sure you use two ports, like it asks for.)
I thought I'd add to this post for anyone else who's thinking of getting them now.