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ROG Theta 7.1 Volume Issue

Level 10
Hey Folks, So I recently purchased the Theta 7.1 headset to upgrade my ROG DELTA and I have discovered a weird issue when changing the output to 7.1 from stereo in ROG ARMORY. when using 7.1, all sounds become much quieter. I have to use the headset at 100 percent volume and it is not loud at all. Overall the General Volume of this headset does seem to be lower than the Delta. Does anyone have any insight on this issue or perhaps a soloution?

Au contraire to my previous post where I said to use Equalizer APO + Peace for bass boost and to add an LFE channel plus install some utilities, I found a pure Windows solution no Asus software or any utility needed.

After a lot of experimenting with Armory II, Armory Crate and Windows drivers this is what I found to work:

For people watching mostly movies use firmware v34 posted previously in this thread, it makes actors voice more clear and surround effects are not exaggerated and distracting. Newer version v38, v39 amplify the back channels by lowering volume on the front channels. Because of this you can hear ambient sound (even over actors voice) more than you should. Front channel volume: v34 > v39 > v38 ('>' means greater than)

For people using Theta mostly for games chose any version you prefer. I would chose v34 even for games because you can always tune v34 to sound like v38 or v39, but not the other way around, you can't make v38 or v39 sound like v34 because the volume in front in v38 and v39 is capped by the firmware. On version v34 you can lower volume in front channels using balance settings if you want to get same effect as v38 or v39.

About software:

Armoury II - I was not satisfied with the sound quality (low volume, loudness equalization aka. compression not very good), but it is more stable than Armoury Crate.
Armoury Crate (Beta) - Sound improved since I last tried it. But the software has a lot of bugs and issues. Not gonna sugar-coat it my experience with it is terrible. I tried Version over and over 20+ times, every install meant new problems even when using same image backup to restore the system to a state before install. LFE channel stopped working, update stopped working and so on.

The windows way:
Disable subwoofer Theta is actually just 7.0:
Set all speakers to full range, LFE channel will be redirected to these speakers:
Enable Bass Management and optionally Loudness Equalization:

Hope it helps enjoy!

EDIT: Bonus - The MIC AI noise cancelation is on by default even with this setup, was tested and even confirmed by asus support.

Hello CrHasher, thanks for your post.
The solution I found was to uninstall all software related to Rog Theta and simply connect them to the PC and configure on Windows 10 as you did, the difference was like overnight.
I do not consider myself an audiophile but I have several high-end headphones and some Dac's / Amp's to listen to music with quality so I have a trained ear, I can hear and feel when the sound does not sound as it should and at this moment it is very good .
In this way, you can use any software to equalize the audio as you like.
Apo + Peace

hazzard.esports wrote:
Hello CrHasher, thanks for your post.
The solution I found was to uninstall all software related to Rog Theta and simply connect them to the PC and configure on Windows 10 as you did, the difference was like overnight.
I do not consider myself an audiophile but I have several high-end headphones and some Dac's / Amp's to listen to music with quality so I have a trained ear, I can hear and feel when the sound does not sound as it should and at this moment it is very good .
In this way, you can use any software to equalize the audio as you like.
Apo + Peace

Glad I could help, all that is missing for me now is AutoEQ settings for the Theta, or at least a frequency response graph in order to AutoEQ the headphone myself.

CrHasher wrote:
Glad I could help, all that is missing for me now is AutoEQ settings for the Theta, or at least a frequency response graph in order to AutoEQ the headphone myself.

My system dosn't allow me to select 7.1 surround in windows, Any idea on how to fix this? It only shows Stereo.

LordSendo wrote:
My system dosn't allow me to select 7.1 surround in windows, Any idea on how to fix this? It only shows Stereo.

  • Uninstall Crate if you have it by using the Crate Uninstall utility on the support page for Theta (might not work all the time from experience)
  • Uninstall Armoury II if you have it
  • Go into device manager and uninstall the drivers, as soon as they are all uninstalled reboot:

If nothing works clean install windows.

LordSendo wrote:
My system dosn't allow me to select 7.1 surround in windows, Any idea on how to fix this? It only shows Stereo.

  • If you have Armoury Crate installed uninstall it with "add remove programs" then by using Crate uninstall utility from the Theta support page.
  • If you have Armoury II, uninstall it.
  • Uninstall all drivers in device manager:

If all else fails clean install Windows, if that does not work it is a hardware issue.

CrHasher wrote:

  • If you have Armoury Crate installed uninstall it with "add remove programs" then by using Crate uninstall utility from the Theta support page.
  • If you have Armoury II, uninstall it.
  • Uninstall all drivers in device manager:

If all else fails clean install Windows, if that does not work it is a hardware issue.

Thanks, How Do i install the v34 firmware? I downloaded it from you earlier link but don't know how to install it.

LordSendo wrote:
Thanks, How Do i install the v34 firmware? I downloaded it from you earlier link but don't know how to install it.

run as 'administrator' the file: UacCodecDownload_AllInOne_RsProxy_2.60

NOTE** > I didn't need to make any further adjustments from my end after doing this... if you believe the paths are right then just press the 'start' button
^^ALSO**: Make sure your Theta 7.1 headphones are plugged in...
^^ALSO(also xd): Armoury crate may not be messing up my stuff -- BUT just for added measure: use the AC uninstall tool to clean uninstall Armoury Crate (if you have it)...

edit: its a good habit to restart your PC after doing such 'updates' -- save your stuff first though...

LordSendo wrote:
My system dosn't allow me to select 7.1 surround in windows, Any idea on how to fix this? It only shows Stereo.

Flip the switch on the back to PC.

Level 10
Wow, 0034 really transforms the experience -- especially in virtual 7.1 mode, the headphones aren't as muffled/underpowered. Yeah, I'd like to contest the claims that a majority prefers the more 'spacious' experience (with the sacrificing of headphone sound strength) 😛