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ROD Delta Headset, high frequency buzz sounds in left speaker

Level 7
Dear community,

I wonder if you have similiar problem that I have. As soon as I plug my device via USB 2.0 or USB-C type (doesnt matter which type) there is a continious high freequency buzzing sounds, which last for like 5-6 seconds, then its silent and then it repeasts over and over again. Doesnt matter if there is an incoming audio source or not.
But surpringsingly this is not the case with my laptop nor with my smartphone when I connect them.
Would you say its a software problem?
Which step could i try?

Thanks for your support

Level 7
Case closed. I resinstalled my whole computer, Plugged it in again it was still there, so it was the Headsets fault grrrr.

Pls delete this Thread.

Imperish wrote:
Case closed. I resinstalled my whole computer, Plugged it in again it was still there, so it was the Headsets fault grrrr.

Pls delete this Thread.

Had the same problem with my Delta. It's a grounding issue and I fixed it by replacing my mobo. Previous one had bad USBs. I also experienced this buzz noise when my PC is under load (loading screens in a game, etc). Try to slightly cover your left cup with your full palm, if the noise is gone - you have the same problem as I had therefore the problem is in USB ports in your mobo.