12-11-2024 06:22 AM
I got myself ASUS RTX 4070 Dual 12Gb OC last year (2023) and about few weeks ago end of Nov 2024 I started getting lost signal on random interval not only while gaming but sometimes just regular use like watching youtube. Audio still running in the background, PC didn't freeze, but the only thing which could bring the screen back is by hard reset or sometimes power off. I took the whole PC back to the store I bought them, and they concluded that the GPU had it. So they told me to go to the ASUS Service Centre because it is still under warranty.
They took my GPU and about 5 days later they said that it has been repaired and ready for collection. And was told it is a replacement unit, not my old GPU. The new GPU doesn't come in a sealed plastic so I think it's refurbished item. It worked fine for one day then I am starting to have the same issue. And now it is completely stopped working and the VGA Q-LED on the ASUS motherboard lit up. I have to use the iGPU and the RTX 4070 no longer detected in Device Manager.
So, did ASUS send me a botch replacement unit? Because I really doubt that it was brand new.
12-11-2024 07:14 AM
Hi @Sten_
Sorry to hear that!
I've just moved this post to the correct section for the attention of customer service.
12-14-2024 06:30 PM
Thank you, nothing from the ASUS customer service yet, not here anyway. 😑 Tried to e-mail them and got a respond saying that I have to take it back to the same service center in my area.
12-15-2024 05:16 PM
Hi @Sten_ ,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the persistent issue even after the graphics card replacement.
To better assist you, please provide the following information via private messege to me:
We will check your case as soon as possible based on the information you provide.
Thank you.