05-12-2024 02:57 PM
My earlier post on this topic regarding earlier BIOS versions up to 321 was closed due to inactivity so I'm reposting it here having installed BIOS 322 from last month. I was hoping the VDDIO_Mem setting would be fixed (it was reporting line voltage around 250v rather than the expected 1.20v which I need to increase to 1.35v per my RAM profile, and trying to set it manually or via a profile had not effect), but rather than being REPAIRED, the setting has been REMOVED. I hope this saves someone some of the time I wasted on it, and that it gets fixe in 323!
I've just installed BIOS version 321 which claims performance improvements. Sure enough, DRAM Voltage has finally been added, meaning that we can in theory use DOCP profiles that require voltage to be increased from e.g. 1.2v to 1.35v.
Unfortunately, while it correctly reports the VDDCR CPU and SOC voltages as 1.464v and 0.975v respectively, it's reporting the DRAM voltage as 250.915v which I think we can agree is incorrect. Furthermore, while the field is editable using +/-, it and others near it appear to be greyed out while others are drop-down boxes (auto/manual/offset/etc.).
Loading the DOCP profile for 3603 MHz instead of the default 2666 MHz results in the blue screens I was getting before and which I still suspect to be due to undervoltage at higher features. That is to say, I think you've accepted that this is a critical feature for a high performance machine, and then wired it up wrong.
I'd be keen to hear from ASUS as to whether this is a (known) bug, and if so, when can we expect it to be fixed? It's now several years that I've owned this $4,000 machine and I'm yet to get it working to an acceptable standard. Soon enough it will be time to refresh the hardware again, and you can be sure I won't be running the same risk again.
05-16-2024 01:40 AM - edited 05-16-2024 01:42 AM
Hi @samj ,
after confirmation, GA35DX does not support the display of DRAM Voltage. The new BIOS version 322 has been released to address this issue by removing the display. Please be informed about this.
We would like to inquire if you are currently experiencing any other issues with the 322 version.
Please provide detailed information about the scenarios in which the problems occur.
Regarding the previous issue you mentioned about encountering BSOD when overclocking the memory to 3600MHz using D.O.C.P, it should have been resolved. We kindly request your assistance to confirm this.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.
Thank you.
05-24-2024 07:43 AM
after confirmation, GA35DX does not support the display of DRAM Voltage. The new BIOS version 322 has been released to address this issue by removing the display. Please be informed about this....
Regarding the previous issue you mentioned about encountering BSOD when overclocking the memory to 3600MHz using D.O.C.P, it should have been resolved. We kindly request your assistance to confirm this.
Indeed there is no sign of the VDDIO_Mem setting in 322, and you imply that it is nonetheless set internally by DOCP in that the "previous issue" (i.e., not being able to set the memory voltage to allow higher clock rates) "should have been resolved".
Unfortunately, this is not the case as when I set the DOCP profile I note that while the relevant memory timings are updated in the list of updates when saving and exiting the BIOS, there is no sign of the memory voltage actually being set to the 1.35v recommended in the DOCP profile (which is vieable in the BIOS tools).
Sure enough, on rebooting, Windows 11 fails to start and blue screens complaining about a critical process failing. This is not surprising because the timings for 3600Mhz are not achievable without increasing the memory voltage, which is clearly not being done.
How do the software developers intend to fix this issue once and for all? It is affecting multiple customers as you have seen, and dramatically limits the utility of ASUS ROG machines for anything but the most basic applications. I would propose that they bring back the setting, but wire it up correctly so it actually does set the memory voltage (both per the selected DOCP profile and manually).
Clearly there is an intention to resolve the issue, so hopefully we can finally get it done.
06-09-2024 09:54 AM
Thanks to this user tip I'm now running at 3533MHz and have "only" had one blue screen in the past week or two, which is still one too many but better than running at minimum speeds:
I'm running for years with DOCP on and set speed to 3533Mhz and that works for me.
I'm still awaiting a fix from ASUS - either properly executing the DOCP profiles including RAM voltage, or (better), allowing us to set the RAM voltage according to our own needs (as one would expect of any machine of this class).