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Forum Posts

Make Future Accessory Feature Suggestions Here!

Hi all,ASUS ROG is requesting our best suggestions for ROG product improvements. As a moderator I won’t have the ability to implement your suggestions but I will be picking some of the best to highlight for the ROG team so they know what matters to u...

xeromist by Moderator
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Step Up Your Game: ROG Spatha

ASUS REPUBLIC OF GAMERS ANNOUNCES ROG SPATHAMake no mistake, ROG Spatha is not just a mouse - it's a status symbol to say you mean business. Now that you've got the ultimate weapon and everyone's attention, it's time to show them what you've got. Any...

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ROG_PH by Level 8
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L> ROG Sheath

Is this product available locally? Any info is appreciated.

Gengaku by Level 9
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[Media Review] ROG Gladius | Why Not ROG Sniper?

Now that's a good direct hands-on by our good friend from The Assemblage on the new ROG Gladius!For a name like Gladius, one would expect it to be perform like a gladiator, something more powerful to beat the living crap out of enemies…in games at le...

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