01-03-2024 03:36 AM
hello everyone, I have ASUS laptop.
model no: - FA506IHRZ
Problem: - Driver's issue (Solved)
If you have formatted your device, or game visuals is not working in Armory Crate, or you are having any issue related to your drivers, here is a link to a website where you have to select your Windows version. And download ISO/DVD according to your device.
ASUSTreiber.de - Your ASUS Driver Page on the Internet - Driver DVDs
Steps To Install:-
1. Find ISO/DVD by your device's model number.
like mine was FA506IHRZ, you'll have to focus on the first 5 letters like FA506.
2. download the DVD/ISO file.
3. Mount it on your device.
4. Run AsusInsWiz.exe file to install all the necessary files for your system.
5. After installation complete get into Software Folder, you'll find all the software are present in those folders, try to install them manually or one by one.
6. If you want to install GameVisuals
H:\Software\Component\ASUS\ArmouryCrate ICM Config\1.0.13\2018
from here you can just Install.bat (Install it) or you can go inside the ArmouryCrate ICM Config folder, find your device, paste all the ICM file into C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GameVisual this folder Restart your ArmouryCrate It'll be fixed