07-21-2024 05:35 PM
Hello Elite Rewards, On July 5th it was birthday, I try to get my 100 points Reward on Elite Birthday Gift, in my birthday, but it said: (Hey, it's not your birthday yet! Please come back on your birthday.)
I check my profile my birthday is there, so maybe I am doing something else rung.
I sent an Email to eliterewards_support@asus.com on my birthday, but never got a response.
Can any one help me, or at least let me know What I did run.
07-29-2024 12:45 AM
Hi @ZeusCell ,
We are reviewing the birthday card activity and will inform you once it is resolved. Thank you!
ROG Elite Rewards team
07-30-2024 02:29 AM
Hi @ZeusCell ,
After testing, the birthday function works now, could you try it again?
ROG Elite Reward team
08-04-2024 10:37 AM
So, now that the actual birthday has passed (12th May), so now what should be done, update birthday on profile so we can redeem points and can update it back to original?