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Would you be interested in having your mods and projects featured on our website?

Level 13
This thread is what started this idea:!

Since the Show us Share your PCs thread has been very successful I wanted to ask if you would be interested if we had a program to show the best of best builds in the world?

The idea is to only show the best of the best builds so if your project is picked then your creation is viewed by others as being one of the best in the world. Be recognized for your amazing work and become a legendary figure among the ROG community!

We plan to upgrade our forums to a brand new and much improved interactive forum later this year and we'll have a lot of new and cool features to make the forum much more fun. We'll also be changing over to a new website and we plan to focus on showing off a lot of user created content.

I'll share more with you all once more information is available. Let us know if you have any awesome ideas.

Level 13
Hi JurunceNK,

Thanks for your feedback! Great to hear positive feedback like this! 😄


Level 13
Some of the builds I've seen are just awesome. *I'm in the middle of one now and when done would be open to having it posted.*

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 13
There has been delays with the project but we expect to be releasing a lot of new features for both the ROG website and forum in 2017, this will be among one of the things to be offered later next year. We're already working on it, so stay tuned.

Bahz wrote:
There has been delays with the project but we expect to be releasing a lot of new features for both the ROG website and forum in 2017, this will be among one of the things to be offered later next year. We're already working on it, so stay tuned.

That will give me time to get my build finished. LOL
Actually should be done as soon as the 960 pros ship. Only a few more parts to filter in over the next few days but all the major stuff will be here by Wednesday, except no word on the 960 pros!! Ive got preorders in at several places, who ever ships first gets the order, the rest will be canceled. My luck they will all ship the same day LOL

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

JustinThyme wrote:
That will give me time to get my build finished. LOL
Actually should be done as soon as the 960 pros ship. Only a few more parts to filter in over the next few days but all the major stuff will be here by Wednesday, except no word on the 960 pros!! Ive got preorders in at several places, who ever ships first gets the order, the rest will be canceled. My luck they will all ship the same day LOL


We'll be focusing a lot on bug testing of all new platforms next year before we release them, so you'll have plenty of time.

I'll share more updates later next year when there are new information available that I can share.


This is a very good idea. Especially for me since I just got in to creating custom pc's and case modding so I'll fight for the spot 🙂 Can't wait for this to become reality hope to see it soon!

Keep up the good work!


Level 7
i5 7600k 5.0Ghz--3200Mhz Corsair Dominator Platinum ROG Edition 16 GB-- Asus Maximus IX Formula--
Asus GTX 1080 TI ROG--Samsung 840 pro Boot-- Samsung 840 pro game-- Seagate 2TB--
Phantom 820 case-- Kraken x62 CPU cooler-- EKWB Res/pump/rad for Formula VRM cooler.