Here is the "BF3" theme case mod in anticipation of
Battlefield 3: BF3 release on 10.25.2011 by Electronic Arts. Fractal Design's Arc Mid tower case was chosen for the project and this PC will be displayed at Fractal's booth, on the main floor of 2012 CES, in Las Vegas
Investigative review of
Fractal Design new "Arc" Midi Tower Case.

some of the pc case modding products we may be using for this project

Fighter Pilot Toggle Switches,
To re-assemble the Corsair 900D chassis, I used these Black Powder coated PC chassis pop rivets Rivet Gun
Creating the riveted exterior
Black PC Sleeving Kit design Arc Mid tower fully dismantled for custom paint.

The name badge in the bezel was filled with Evercoat's Everglass" Fiberglass "short hair" filler.

After sanding the filler with Medium Grit sandpaper..

Scuffing surface of steel chassis parts, plastic bezel with Red Scothbrite Pad, to create paint adhesion for the Primer.

Dissected and Magnified each segment from camouflage pattern on 8.5" x 11" paper. Each segment was traced and cut in cardboard for individual stencils.

RUSTOLEUM Specialty series "camouflage" paints. I purchased these from Home Depot

Camouflage paint job is finished.
The FD front grill is very mush like Mnpctech's Modders Mesh,
I'll be installing 120mm Logysis Green LED cooling fans,

Camouflaged motherboard tray? Yes, the entire interior was painted.

For a rugged military look, we chose these recessed PC case handles,
The recessed PC handles are ready for installation and spring loaded, so they don't flop while transporting your PC.

Using stencil included with handles along with measuring square to determine exact location for the recessed PC handles

Using 1.5"
Dremel reinforced cutting wheel to cut opening for
recessed PC handles

Using 1/4" drill bit for mounting holes of the recessed handles.

Cutting 3/16" thick aluminum Diamond Plate to use as accent plates for the handles.

Khaki base coat applied to the Diamond Plate accent plates.
Recessed PC handles and diamond plate installed and painted.

Airbrushed effect of side panel being peeled back by
Mnpctech custom painter, Brad Galvin.

Brad's weapon of choice, Iwata's HP-CH airbrush gun.

Glowing effect airbrushed on the BF3 Marine.

Black outline airbrushed on BF3 Marine. A flat clear will be applied over the finished mural.

with Brad's guidance, I airbrushed the bullet holes and scratched paint effects on the access panel. I started with the easy task of filling the BF3 stencil on the left side panel.