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Oc Panel update failed: USB Disconnected error. Is it Bricked?

Level 8
Oc Panel update failed: USB Disconnected error. Is it Bricked?

I have 2 Oc Panels and was updating to OC_PANEL-0603 to support the new Rampage V Edi. 10 that is replacing my RVE..

The 1st panel flashed correctly and updated, during the second the mainboard lost all power.

Now all I get on the failed OC Panel with the firmware update program is a USB Disconnected error, all the LED's still work, and it is not a cable problem, I have 3, all working.

The port doesn't activate/connect when plugging the 2nd Panel into the ROG_EXT, the 1st panel is working fine and is always able to connect.

is there any way to force wake/flash the unit, or it an RMA issue to have it fixed. I put both of them to use normally, so need them both working.

Does anyone know any tricks to get the unit to come back alive / initialize in some manner on the USB bus so the flash cam complete?
Command line arguments for the flash program, or some Linux or Win 10 utility to force query the bus to get a response from a dead USB??

USB BUS info:

in Device Name Port_#0004.Hub_#0003
Description USB Input Device
Device Type HID (Human Interface Device)
Connected No
Disabled No
Serial Number ASUS_OSD
VendorID 1770
ProductID ef35
Firmware Revision 1.10
USB Class 03
ParentId Prefix 6&85f6e8e&2
Service Name HidUsb
Service Description @inPut.inf,%HID.SvcDesc%;Microsoft HID Class Driver
Driver Filename hidusb.sys
Driver Description USB Input Device
Driver Version 10.0.18362.175
Driver InfSection HID_Inst.NT
Driver InfPath input.inf
Instance ID USB\VID_1770&PID_EF35\ASUS_OSD
Capabilities Removable, UniqueID, SurpriseRemovalOK