So I wanted to mount a 120mm fan into my 5.25bay at the top, having a google around it seems quite hard to come by an adapter nowadays. I could have used a 120mm radiator bracket (too expensive) or just some tiewraps (does not work well with my ocd lol).
It's more difficult than it would seem to mount the fan so it can be removed easily with just a screwdriver and from the front/sides only, due to the rad pipes at the back blocking access. Then I had a brainwave, I had an old DVDROM I had just chucked in the bin. Bit of measuring and dremeling later I had my solution which slides in and out and fixes with 4 screws:
DVDROM stripped down and cut in half:
The two halves from the front:
Mounted in the drive bay to test fits ok:
The fan fitted to the brackets ready to slide in:
The finished article:
Probably someone will link to a better solution, but I enjoyed the satisfaction of making this with zero cost
🙂Finished build
Maximus X Formula | 8700K | 16GB Corsair Vengance 3600 | EVGA GTX1080 SC | Watercooled CPU & GPU