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Menthols Test bench adventures

Level 14
I moved to a new location this week, still most stuff in boxes, Verizon FIOS has some sweet connection speeds like nothing I have ever seen. signed up for the 75 MB down 35 MB up, test shows I am getting 84 MB down 39 MB up, I like it. I got 2 test benches for my 2 systems before I moved and have been waiting to transfer the hardware until I moved. so this morning I transferred one system onto Top Desk Test Station and got it up and running. I will tackle the other as soon as I go through some boxes to find some parts, what a hassle, pack it up for easy identification and can find everything except what I'm looking for. I took a couple pics with my cell phone, not very good but posting them anyway.
M6E with a 4770K cooled by Corsair H100i for now, with 8 GB of GSkill 2666 mhz Ram and a GTX 680 this should keep me connected till I tear into the CaseLabs and install that hardware on another test bench.




I have no idea how you guys take such nice pictures

Level 16
Oh, that is awesome, Menthol! :cool:

If I would be you, I would submit that score in Summer Sizzler... 🙂

Level 12
Very nice Menthol, your cabling is great. You should see mine atm lol

I have the exact same soundcard, you need try the open source drivers for it. The Asus drivers are, lets say, not good 🙂 Takes the sound to the next level.


Did you get the hotwire setup with the matrix card btw? Dont know if it's that useful on air but it's real easy and no soldering involved so why not 🙂

Level 14
Thanks for the driver link, I will give them a go, They did come with the wires for hotwire, I haven't tried it yet, it would have been nice if ASUS actually gave instructions on there use but NO they didn't do that

I gave instructions in another thread tho, I got 2 of them hotwired on my M5E.

Looking for that post, damn it's hard to find stuff on this forum. My "brain" memory doesn't remember where I posted/reply, need forum to remember that lol

EDIT: Aha!

Level 14
lol twisted, I never returned to that thread to see you posted. I understand the part of connecting, it is still disappointing that the manufacturer doesn't include instructions with what they are using as a selling point, I was planning on using this with the OC panel on the M6E but I hate to install ASuite to use it

Yeah, Ai Suite is not my favorite piece of software neither.

On the M6E you got turboV tho, the light version without themes and crap. Or you can use the OC key.

There's a solderpoint on the card that says R4E, I don't know if you have to short that to get it to work with R4E, works fine with M5E without touchining the R4E thing.

I think there's something about hotwire in the M5E manual, what's absolutely not in the manual is those other black/white headers tho 😛

Level 14
Well Sizzler is over we can all get back to whatever it is we do when there is no competition, I think I finally got a decent 780 but Futuremark doesn't recognize the card, I have a second card coming next week. Will have to wait for blocks to become available. I put my M6E in a case and am going to make it my daily user as the 4770k I have just doesn't seem to overclock very well and I am not so good at trying to bench different hardware at the same time.
I will get some pics up soon.


Level 40
That is quite sweet Menthol - what settings are you using? And do you tweak Vantage in any special way at all?
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 16
Good job, Menthol!

Just a hint... the Vantage has benefits form the high and tight system memory settings... have you tried your Pi kit yet?

Level 40
Wow that's a nice score isn't it!!? and only 5.0...very nice!